4.94.9 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics95% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay93% stimmen zu

Good value96% stimmen zu

3497 Rezensionen


Get moving!!

The Wii Fit game is very easy to set up with your Wii board, instructions are specific, easy and included in the game manual. Games are fun and challenging. The more you play you can unlock more games within the different type of exercises offered. This game offers features like a personal trainer with goals and progress tracker. If you think..well is't outdated by the Wii U... think again because just like a DVD can go in a Blue Ray player a Wii game can be played on a Wii U console. The balance boards are the same no matter what Wii you have, old or new. Do yourself a favor and have some fun while you shed those love handles, better yet do it as a family. You won't be dreading your time to get in shape, you'll be playing having fun with those you love. Nothing better than a game to bring everyone together and reach your health goals at the same time!!! Now buy this game and get moving!!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: dbtoys_inc


Nintendo Wii Fit

The Good

* Balance board is a great new peripheral
* Exercises will help your balance and strength
* Beats the repetitiveness of going to the gym
* Some fun balance board games
* Pleasant presentation throughout.

The Bad

* No way to create your own exercise program
* You're forced to unlock most of the activities
* Some games are rather shallow
* Health and fitness assessments can be problematic
* Board is sensitive, but you can still cheat at exercises.
Wii Fit takes the whole concept of games as exercise to a new level with the inclusion of a balance board peripheral that can tell you on the fly exactly how well--or how poorly--you're doing with its various activities. As such, Nintendo is heavily marketing this innovative title as a mixture of fitness and fun, and for the most part it works. It's a decent alternative for those bored with the repetitiveness of going to a gym or too self-conscious to join a yoga or aerobics class. Unfortunately, Wii Fit is hamstrung by some odd omissions (such as not being able to create your own program from the available exercises) and questionable health advice, limiting its effectiveness both as a fitness tool and as a game.
At the core of the Wii Fit experience is the new balance board, an elegant-looking yet surprisingly sturdy peripheral which features several internal scales that can detect changes in weight and pressure as you're standing on it. The board--which is also quite hefty at roughly 8.8 lbs (4kgs)--interacts wirelessly with the Wii, and takes four AA batteries (which are included). The board has four rubber feet to help prevent it from slipping on smooth surfaces (and even comes with four extra feet that can be used to raise your balance board higher should you have thick carpet on your floors). Like the Wii Remote before it, the balance board is intuitive to use once you get into an exercise or game in Wii Fit, with its extreme sensitivity allowing it to pick up even the most minute shifts in weight. Its sensitivity only goes so far, however, with the board able to take only 330lbs (150kg) maximum weight, locking out the particularly robust from joining in on the Wii Fit fad.

Not that plus sizes need worry that they're missing out on a prime weight-loss opportunity. Despite its moniker, Wii Fit isn't a total fitness solution, with its included exercises focusing more on improving muscle tone and balance than on cardio and weight loss. What it does offer is a better way to track your weight, body mass index (BMI), and time spent exercising both within the game itself and from any other external activities, giving users a clearer picture of how their health is progressing over time. It's no more going to make you super-fit than Wii Sports is going to make you a tennis pro, but it can provide a strong anchor for a more expansive fitness regime should you have the motivation.

As a title focused on health, Wii Fit makes some fairly significant judgments about its users' fitness. This happens right from when your Mii is first registered with the game; after inputting a date of birth and height, you're asked to step on the balance board for a weigh-in (all guided onscreen by a cartoon version of the board). From the height and weight data, a user's BMI is calculated, with the user tagged as underweight, ideal, or overweight depending on the BMI score. A simple balance test then occurs (usually involving having to shift your ba
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Wii Fit - The BEST Personal Trainer of All!

This is not just another fad! This is for people of all ages, to get the positive support we all need to get into shape. It is for losing weight AND getting in shape. It tracks your progress, lets you set goals, offers positive reinforcement and encouragement while being honest about your status. The Wii fit age tells you what kind of shape your body is in based on your age, weight and balance. It offers Yoga, Strength training, aerobics and balance activities that are appealing for all ages. More activities are unlocked as you make progress and you can choose your own personal trainer. When you do well you have crowds roaring BUT there is never anyone "boo-ing" you. The scenery is nice and the directions make it easy for anyone to use. I bought this because of a TV news feature and have since dropped my membership to Curves. I can do this in my own home, without driving anywhere and without being self-conscious or having anyone else passing judgment. I get up, have breakfast, wait a little while and then work out every morning at approximately the same time. After a few weeks I was already sleeping and feeling better. ONLY place to find this is on eBay sicne hte stores are all sold out. I highly recommend using the Wii play and Wii sports as additional exercise throughout the day. PS The system knows if you have your grandchild try to do workouts for you . . so don't try and cheat! Happy holidays!Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board

The hit combination of Wii Sports and the Wii Remote brought golf swings and tennis serves into people's homes. Now Nintendo turns the living room into a fitness center for the whole family with Wii Fit and the Wii Balance Board. Family members will have fun getting a "core" workout, and talking about and comparing their results and progress on a new channel on the Wii Menu. Players will lean to block soccer balls, swivel their hips to power hoop twirls or balance to hold the perfect yoga pose.

Keep tabs on your daily progress with easy-to-understand graphs and charts. Using your personal profile, you can set goals, view a graph of your BMI results over time, see how many Fit Credits you've earned, check your Wii Fit Age and even enter exercise time you've done outside of Wii Fit. It's all about coming back and exercising a little every day, and the personal profile makes tracking your daily progress simple and easy.

Special Features
Wii Fit includes more than 40 types of training activities designed to appeal to all members of a household.

Control on-screen action with your movements on the balance board as you work your way through a variety of challenges aimed at getting you off the couch and into the action.

Check your Body Mass Index (BMI), see your Wii Fit Age and keep tabs on your daily progress towards a more fit you.

Get fit with more than 40 activities and exercises, including strength training, aerobics, yoga and balance games. Whether you're doing a yoga pose or snowboarding down a slalom course, there's an activity for everyone.

Challenge your family and friends to get in shape! Create your own personal profile and set goals, test your balance, track your progress with daily workouts and unlock new exercises and activities.

Wii Fit Age: The Wii Fit Age is measured by factoring the user's BMI reading, testing the user's center of gravity and conducting quick balance tests.
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A Great Way to Get Fit

This product is not for either professional athletes or avid gamers. However, if you want to get fit, have trouble keeping to a program, and would rather do it at home, this is for you. I love the daily progress reports including BMI, weight, body alignment and Wii Fit Age. Everything is encouraging, from the Balance Board (which has its own upbeat and encouraging personality), and my "personal trainer" who demonstrates and models exercises and cheers me on, to the calendar and chart that record my progress. I love the Yoga deep breathing, Warrior and Sun Salutation; the aerobic step dance and running (both with and without a trainer setting the pace), and the balance exercises. I can't say I LIKE the strength exercises, but I do feel they are helping me get fit. I appreciate the special emphasis on posture and body alignment, and the Balance Board's occasional tips on eating and lifestyle. I haven't done any exercises with anybody else, but my sister-in-law and niece had a great time doing competitive running!

I love this thing. I started using it over vacation, and couldn't wait to get mine at home up and running. It's fun, mildly addictive, and it works!

My only caveat is availability. The list price in a store like Best Buy or Target is $90, but good luck finding one. They appear without any prior warning in small numbers and evaporate overnight. You can get one online for scalper prices -- that's the route I went, and you know, I'm not even a little sorry! This is a great product!
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The Nintendo Wii Fit - Making you move!

Everyone I know today is deciding whether or not they should purchase a Play Station, Wii, Game Cube, XBox etc. I would have to say that the Nintendo Wii is the best video game system on the market today for the price.

The unit provides so much power and versatility for children and adults. Its games are great and at a $249.00 base price the PS3 cannot really compare. The box for the unit is very compact and the system runs very cool.

Personally I liked how Nintendo made it affordable to add features such as controller and even the Wii Fit to the system and have everything simply work.

The Wii Fit is a great little unit, which allows you to workout and exercise. I believe that the Wii approach actually helps people get off the coach and move. This goes for both children and adults. When I saw my kids using the system I got up and was surprise on how fun they made the exercise portion of the product.

I would like to point out that by no means in the Wii Fit gong to replace your gym membership, however it will get you hear moving a little and get those kids to be a little more active. Overall, I am impressed with the Wii Fit and its design and program that goes along with it really makes using the product fun. If you can get your hands on I believe it would be worth it. Thank for reading this review and I hope it helped.
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A Great Choice For The Whole Family

The kids love the mini games and I like that they are playing something that keeps them active. My husband and I keep trying to beat each other's scores, and the activities make walking on a balance board actually fun. The fitness routines can be personalized, which makes it easy to repeat every day. This has not gathered dust and my 4 year old seems to be stronger and better balanced for playing it. The whole family loves it. Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: quality_treasures



I purchased it for my wife, myself, and Grandkids. We love it, it is the best thing that we have purchased in a long time. We enjoy Everything about it. My wife works out on it every day and it has improved her fitness with enjoyable games and and workout programs. Our Grandkids love to come over and see if they can top our scores on the many different activites. We also just heard about a family challange on the net and we plan on checking that out. All in all it has been a great way to get into better shape and the games are a lot of fun, especially bowling. We are in our mid 50's, Don't let your age stop you from buying one, you can workout slow and easy or make it as difficult as you want. The Wii also keeps tract of your progress.
The buying process was very easy on EBAY, get one soon, you will not be disappointed. (WII) love ours.
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I have a hard time going to a gym to work out since I am disabled and I hurt all the time and feel like I always have the flu. So I heard about the "Wii Fit" one day at the pharmacy from others standing in line waiting, while I was picking up my many prescriptions and thought I would give it a try.
I am 50 years old and have had Fibromyalgia for 5 years now and have been a Diabetic for 3 of those years and it has been devastating to my body.I knew I had to buy the "Wii system" and "Wii Fit w/the Board" which I found as a Good Deal on Ebay and it also came with the "Sports Games".
Having the convenience of the privacy of my own living room was more than I could ask for. I have been doing "Yoga" every Morning and I tell you For someone who is disabled and has a hard time getting around this is my perfect solution. I am hooked on it and my condition has been improving remarkably. I have become a Tennis Fanatic and am almost to pro level. I have just started the strength training and I am not as sick as I have been. There is also "My Fitness Trainer" which is great. I feel better and can do more things in my life and my Diabetes is almost gone and I have been able to cut done on some of my prescriptions. The Nintendo Wii is saving my Life.
You can start out slow and work at your own pace and I love how it shows you Body Mass Index and your weight all on a graph chart with everyday health tips. This is like a God Send to people with disabilities. I highly recommend this to all healthy or disabled. I even have been able to cut done on anti- depressants. Another fun part is making your own Mii Person to look like you.
I told my doctors about the Wii, they started recording my progress and they are now recommending it to their other patients with diabetes,fibromyalgia and other types of diseases.
WHY NOT GET YOURS NOW-If you are depressed, hurting and struggling with a disease You will be totally satisfied as I am for once in the last 5 years. I have even changed my diet for the better and am feeling stronger every day.
Thank you for reading my review on a my life changing experience with the help of the "Wii Fit".-Toni at Monday Betty
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Perfect for adults, even video-game challenged ones!

I bought this in a desperate attempt to find something more stimulating for the home gym than the omnipresent treadmill. The Wii Fit succeeds on all levels: it is very simple to set up, prompts are easy to follow and the system itself is quite rugged. However, the real gain here is that the program gives you interactive information on a daily basis. It will track your weight, BMI and time spent training. Most of the exercise routines feel exactly like games and you only realize you've done a great workout when you stop! I think this feels alot like being at an awesome arcade without the need for a pocketful of quarters. I do recommend this product be used with the biggest television you have, the ski-jump takes on a cool quality when it's done on a large screen. Top ratings to the music as well, the tunes are catchy and make moving to the music more fun.
I see people in my family from the age of 4 to 88 being able to use this!
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