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Good value95% stimmen zu

Entertaining94% stimmen zu

Engaging characters88% stimmen zu

69 Rezensionen


Awesome Movie

This Movie is a fantastic voyage through inner and outer space. It represents a new way of thinking. It is a whole new philosophy on the science of life and existance. It almost has a spiritual feel to it. It discusses the connection of all things in the universe to each other. It is at times mind blowing. It takes a couple times watching to absorb all the information. The "Rabbit Hole Edition" takes you way down the rabbit hole into the world of modern theory and science of the self and the universe. The span of this movie is beyond compare. It is a documentary that revolves around a fictional story used to connect the info with the real world in understandable terms. This really helps to understand some of the deeper theories. This Movie will take you into a world you were not taught about in school. Old science has a firm grip in our school systems. This breaks away from everything you ever learned. It takes you to a world where huge gaps in theory have become simple to explain when considered in a differant perspective. Our civilization is beginning to realize that reality is what our brain makes of it. We can only comprehend what we can decipher with our senses. Things happen a certain way because thats how we expect it to. Our observation is often a factor in Scientific Experimentation. Everyone should see this movie, from science buffs to those looking for answers to life the universe and everything to those just looking for some self help.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Hold on to your hat, we're going DOWN the rabbit hole!

After a lifetime of reading positive thinking and visualization books such as Norman Vincent Peale's many Power of Positive Thinking books and much more recently "The Secret", I found this DVD "Down the Rabbit Hole".

I did not yet see "What the Bleep Do We Know" which is the precursor to this film .

This films delves into the quantum physics of why "Like attracts Like" and "Thoughts are Things" and why visualization works. I have always believed that everything and everyone are connected in that what we do affects much more than ourselves.

This film uses demonstrations for people like me to show what the scientists are explaining. The basic story helps slightly brain challenged watchers like myself understand what this very good variety of physicists and the like are trying to explain.

I have to watch many of the scenes and explanations several times to figure it out, but just the same , I found it extremely interesting and try to grasp as much as I can.

If you are much more Religious than you are Spiritual, than this might rub you the wrong way if you don't listen very carefully to what they are saying.

This is not so much a film battling between religion and science as it is a film showing how religion and science (like everything else ) is interconnected.

This is a difficult film to describe so I suggest if you were ever curious about WHY positive thinking, visualization and like attracts like work, you should take a look at this. You might want to do a five day rental before buying to be sure. One or two days won't do it.

OK...Now just give that YES vote below a click...It's good for your Karma
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What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole ( 2006, DVD)

I originally saw "What the Bleep" in a movie theater.
When released on dvd I purchased 4 copies. One was a gift the other 3 - I replaced after loaning out, never to see again.
I no longer loan out dvd's!
I recently purchased the "Rabbit Hole Edition" and I really enjoy it.
Having seen both, "What the Bleep" and "Down the Rabbit Hole"
I am in awe at how the film makers brillantly edited so much of the original
interviews with key speakers. I can see why they had presented the material as they did. I don't sense it was about making more money off the film.
I think it was presented in this fashion to prompt its audience to think and explore spirituality more! It is a movie that has interested people to watch several times and became a topic for many to relate with and talk about.
"What the Bleep do we Know" has a flip side to watch. It is the side that does not have print/label. Watch the movie, then the flip side, you'll see!

I urge you to first watch "What the Bleep" several times before "Down the Rabbit Hole" and while doing so - keep an open mind!

If you have trouble understanding the content and would like to learn more about it - then may I recommend..."Ramtha - The White Book" for further reading. It is the best book I have read in a long time!

Our THOUGHTS do create our reality, and like does attract like.
We all struggle with control dramas and this can help bring the drama to healing and wisdom. Leading us through the paradigms of experience to knowing without a doubt.

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What the BLEEP? Down the rabbit hole

This movie is a more in depth, laymans approach to Quantum Physics. It has many different points that are made including: creating your day, String Theory, multiple dimesions, and how the brain funtions. What the bleep- really makes you ask the question...what are thoughts? What are they made up of?

One great point it makes is as follows:

When you have learned to ride a bike, you can remember that skill forever. All you have to sit on a bike and it all comes back.

Emotions (love, HATE, greed, lust, etc) act the SAME way. Meaning, if you always get angry in the line at McDonalds--then you are move likely to guarantee that for yourself at every MCD. Every time you pull in the drive all comes back.

I recommend this movie for anyone and this everyone should see it.

oh--one more thing

I just barely talks about god.
Mainly concepts of the "observer"---Totally different
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Watch This Film

I love this film. I bought the film because I had rented it twice and I heard that this 3 dvd set was worth getting. Every time I watch this film it becomes more clear in its intent. This film makes a very clear case for how you can improve your life and the reality of it through your own actions, in a most wonderful way. Sure, it's a little bit new-age but at the same time it is deeply scientific. If you would like to be an optomistic person and you arn't right now then this could be a fantstic life changing tool. All told I have probably watched What the Bleep 6 times. It's a narrative mixed with a documentary which kind of leaves it in a genre of it's own. It was obviously made on a very small budget but that's part of it's beauty.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole

This movie is probably the most important scientific contribution to mankind's understanding of their own existence.

I cannot strongly enough recommend everybody to watch it.

It will rock your foundations, and everything you ever thought you knew about the world this far. But it will be worth it..

If any piece of work ever meant anything for mankind, this one tops it.

It brings together everything that any religion or spritual belief has ever said about what the concept of life as we know it, and beyond, is all about.

Given time, the understanding and implementing of the knowledge revealed in this movie will change everything in the way we conduct ourselves, the way we deal with one another, our environment and our relation with the universe.

Strong words ? No, not nearly strong enough.
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What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole

I love all the extra interview time and the fact that you can actually affect the playback by utilizing the quantum theories in the movie...a chance to test the theory for yourself to see if what I call "passive selection" works.
Believe me, it does. On my way to the beach, I always say to the universe,
"You know how theraputic ocean time is for my soul, so please provide me the parking space." I always find a parking space even though the chances are slim. I should have asked "and please let the parking meter attendant be blinded by the light off my windscreen" so I didn't get the ticket when I refused to come out of the water to check the time. Ouch!!!
This DVD is well worth owning and viewing over and over, each time a different experience.
The more the quantum mechanics principles and practices are in your immediate awareness, the more effectively and consistently it works for you. So watch and reap!
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What the Bleep? Down the Rabbit Hole (2006 DVD)

I find it interesting that "The Secret" is getting so much attention when "What the Bleep" is more detailed, more scientific, and more informative. If you are put off by the commercial/selling/Pollyanna approach of "The Secret", there is a good chance you'll be much more receptive to "What the Bleep". Several of the same speakers from "The Secret" are presenting information here as well. The Quantum Physics aspect is much more thorough in "Bleep". If you're defensive about religious beliefs, you may be put off by the direct attack/challenge to religious cultures in general. I haven't viewed the original Bleep 2004. My understanding is that 2006 covers all the bases. I found this multi-disc set to be extremely interesting. No fluff, no commercials, no Pollyanna. I heard about and bought "The Secret" before I learned about "What the Bleep? Down the Rabbit Hole". Use the secret as a drink coaster while you watch "Bleep", a much better use of your brain and time. A great companion DVD is NOVA's "The Elegant Universe". Quantum Physics and String Theory are explored thoroughly.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Great for those who need a reality check

Although there are some reasons that I don't agree with, this DVD is very good. It shows in a specific correlation between science and religion and how it is impossible to separate them. It's like measuring someone's thought. It really can't be 'measured' as weight, therefore, it is not science. That statement is ludicrous yet that's how we approach science. When we try to find the origins of human, one can't avoid that our body is more than a machine. What is beyond the body is some kind of energy that keeps it 'alive'. That energy is what we call life. Life can't be measured. Where did life start?... We'll just watch the movie so you could think beyond your mental state of mind. Again, you will not agree with everything it says but it gives a good reality check.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Science meets Spirituality, at last...

A product that does what it says on the label. An extended version of the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" mostly has more interview segments with experts in their various fields. Thought provoking as well as entertaining.
i thought that the randomizing feature was better in theory than as something that would improve the viewing experience. The voice of John Aston as Dr. Quantum endears him even more, as a significant segment to a lifetime achievement of work.
Considering that there's nothing out there to compete with this as a video product it would have to come in first place, and second, and third...
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