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Good graphics84% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay100% stimmen zu

Good value100% stimmen zu

257 Rezensionen


Solid Action Title That Excels in Multiplayer

The thing that I like the most about Rainbow Six: Vegas is that it is set in Las Vegas. IMHO you can play one Rainbox Six game and you've played them all. But this one shakes up the scenery and gives you some gorgeous visuals. I will say that I don't think this game is for everyone. It is definitely for a lot of people but there will be some that don't like how hard the game is and how monotonous it can feel level after level. The great thing about Vegas though is it's robust online multiplayer experience that keeps you playing by giving you higher ranks the more you play, which then lead to you getting better armor, clothes, and guns. Oh yeah, the maps are very well done and the gameplay modes play great with the games mechanics.

Highs: Rich and rewarding multiplayer experience. Crazy good graphics with good framerate. It's fun having large-scale shootouts in casinos...with terrorists, controls are well done, has a good cover system.

Lows: Horrid horrid horrid voice acting, AI isn't that smart but the game is hard (which means something is up), Shooting a guy 3 times in the foot will send him limping to the ground dead (and no, he didn't get the clue the first two times I shot his foot), gameplay feels recycled so there's nothing new and fresh, if you are really good at tactical shooters, you will beat this game in two sittings.

And Finally: Wow I had a lot of negatives for a game I really like. Tough love? My only gripe that really matters is Vegas adds nothing new from a gameplay perspective that isn't in all of the other tactical shooting games. But what matters is the game is fun and you will get a lot out of it if you play it online.
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rainbow six

It's pretty easy to imagine that plenty of eyes rolled when Ubisoft revealed that the next game in the Rainbow Six franchise was going to be set in Las Vegas. It sounded like a move that only the creatively bankrupt would undertake, and the Rainbow franchise is certainly getting up there in terms of years. It also seemed kind of fitting, since Vegas is where all the washed up entertainers eventually wind up. Well, any such notions are a big mistake, because this new Rainbow Six is like the new Las Vegas. It's refreshed, reinvented, and ready to take on the world, and it's also one of the best tactical shooters on the Xbox 360 to date.

You'll go from the slums of Mexico to the glittering casinos of Las Vegas in this intense tactical shooter.

In Rainbow Six Vegas, you play as Logan Keller, the leader of one of Rainbow's elite three-man counterterrorist assault teams who is called into action after an operation in Mexico goes bad and, for some reason, the terrorists strike the casinos and high-rise hotels of Las Vegas. Your job is to stop them and ascertain their intentions, which involves the standard McGuffin device that will kill millions and a secret military base hidden inside a massive hydroelectric dam. The story borrows a few too many plot twists seen in other Ubisoft games, namely Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, and the lack of a satisfying resolution also makes the plot feel like a paper-thin reason to battle an army of terrorists in Las Vegas of all places, but it's easy to overlook because the combat in Rainbow Six Vegas is simply excellent.

What elevates this chapter of Rainbow Six is the cutthroat tactical combat, which is far above anything seen in the series. The combat elevates the action for shooters in general, but Rainbow Six Vegas happens to arrive on the heels of the superb Gears of War, and it's eerie just how similar the combat systems in both games are. It's hard to say that one cribbed from the other, since both games were in development at the same time, but it's easy to get the feeling that the maturation of tactical combat is an idea whose time has finally come, and the result is a lot of intense action as you scramble for cover from all the bullets headed your way.

In Rainbow Six Vegas, just like in Gears of War, slabs of concrete are your best friend, along with the edges of doorways, slot machines, the side of an SUV, and pretty much anything else solid that you can put between yourself and the enemy. By moving up to those objects and holding down the left trigger, you can "hug" the cover and then poke your body out from the sides or the top to shoot at the enemy before ducking down again. Or, if you're under heavy fire, you can poke your rifle around the corner and fire blindly to keep the bad guys at bay. The game seamlessly transitions from first-person to third-person perspective when you do get behind cover, so you get a very cinematic effect of watching yourself huddle while bullets impact around you.

If you're in trouble you can blind fire around corners to keep the bad guys at bay.

You don't fight alone in Rainbow Six Vegas, either; you're usually accompanied by your two teammates. The artificial intelligence does a great job of controlling these agents as they follow you. Pathfinding, for instance, is very rarely a problem, as they can navigate the cluttered environment effectively, and they use cover just as well as you do. Controlling your teammates is simple, too..
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No cheesy Vegas puns here!

Tom Clancy games have had a long history with us gamers. From the 1st Rainbow Six on the PC to the newest Ghost Recon 2 on Xbox 360, it's always lived up to it's name. Unlike most games of a series, these seemed to have been a little more low key in the gaming world. Sure everyone knew who Tom Clancy was but not everyone played them. Some suggest it was the complicated layers of planning and/or the ultra-realistic gameplay that caused this niche. After playing something fast paced like Doom, Quake or Half Life so jumping into a Clancy game was very overwhelming.

Thankfully that isn't the case today. The developers have made their games more accessible and away from the intimidating stereotype. The days of extensive pre-mission planning, gratuitous team selection and weapon load out are things of the past. Some PC gaming purists would say it was "dumbed down" for the consoles. Yes and no. It is true that they had to scale down previous titles to work on early consoles but if you compare the games of today you'll find that is no longer the case. It seems simplifying some of the gameplay mechanics was beneficial regardless. Now the PC and Consoles play almost identical to each other.

Still reading? Okay lets get to Vegas shall we? Since we're talking about "simplicity", I'll just say that Rainbow Six: Vegas is a great game. The important area's like Gameplay, Graphics and Sound were all done to high standard. This wasn't some inbetween Clancy game or Add-on, it's a solid stand alone for sure. The single player was as fun as it was frustrating. There were times where you could feel the tension in the air before any shots have been fired. That's when the smile cuts across your face. While other times you'll be completely irritated for having to do the same sequences over and over again. That's when cursing becomes an art form.

If it was just the difficulty I'd have given RS:V a 5/5, but there were some issues that held it back a notch. For starters the A.I. ain't all that bright. There were numerous times where one or both of my squad mates would get hung-up in some corner forcing me to reload a previous save. I've also noticed that unless they perform a door breach, they won't always attack who ever is infront of them right away. The enemy A.I. has their "special" moments too. I remember a few times where I could shoot one of them dead with none of their adjacent comrades being the wiser. While at the same time I'd get caught sneaking along a dark and far back wall causing everyone under the sun to shoot at me with uncanny precision. Go figure. Other than that the single player was great and kept me sane enough to the end.

The Online multiplayer is the life after single player death here. After playing through the campaign you should be somewhat ready for the online matches. I say "somewhat" because there are a lot of hardcore players out there. But after a few hours online you'll understand. One thing I didn't like early on but loved later was the character customization. When you start out there isn't much to work with, but later on the options are great. Seeing all the cool uniforms people had, I realized this is the closest thing to playing real live GI-Joes. Vegas isn't the killer app but its definitely up there.

*Note! Although I condone simplicity here, I still stand by my argument on Splinter Cell Double Agent's mutilated Spies Vs Merc mode. Read my SC:DA review.*
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It's fun to play

I use to play this game with my bro when we were little and it's a great co-op once you get used to the controls... recommended if you want some bro time or father-son time. Alright graphics but you get what you expect!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: loothive


Rainbow Six: Vegas

A really good game all around. The ability to take cover almost anywhere is a great aspect to the game and makes things much more realistic. Weapon and accessory choice is good, not great. I do like the option to change the sights on the guns at certain points in the game. The only real negative I see in the game is the lack of variety in the missions. The storyline is alright, but you're doing the same thing over and over which, in this case, is extremely fun, but I got somewhat bored after a while. I don't know about the online play - still haven't had the chance to try it. Definitely worth the buy though - get it used for around $10-12 and you've got yourself a good number of hours of campaign and a great time.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Excellent Fun!

This game is great fun if you are a fan of the serious or just a fan of first person shooters in general. I never really played the other Rainbow Six games on the Xbox because I felt they were a bit too tactical. This game puts you in control of a 3-man team, but does it without making it too complicated. The graphics are great in this game and the online play is awesome, especially if you have friends that also have the game. Co-op play is fun and co-op terrorist hunt gives the game unlimited value. I would be playing this game right now if it weren't for my 360 breaking on my yesterday! Now I have to send it in to Microsoft for a (hopefully) 2 week repair. Argh!Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Rainbow Six: Vegas from someone who plays it

This game gets an excellent from me for being a game that delivers exactly what i want from my xbox 360! The Story has you scrambling around vegas,and parts of mexico.Terrorist have taken vegas hostage and its up to you to save the city. The level variety is great! most games have levels that basically are the same thing over and over again.This is not the case for R6:vegas,which has you going through the streets of mexico,to a dam,and casinos.The graphics in this game are well up to par to the developement time it has had.After messing around in single player or after beating it.PLEASE PLEASE switch to multiplayer! This is yet again where a Tom Clancy game shines! The multiplayer is franctic and very very addictive.An awesome variety of weapons awaits you,as well as some unlockable weapons.My favorites would be the Ak-47 and Famas,also the Rageing Bull pistol.You unlock weapons,camo patterns,and new armors as you rank up in multiplayer.Are you not so good at games like R6 and afraid you'll never rank up cause you'll be doing alot of loosing? well fear not because even on the loosing team you still get points to get yourself all the great stuff awaiting you when you move up in ranks.The ability to play the story with up to 4 other players on xbox live is also and awesome feature which shouldnt be over looked! also there are a awesome variety of maps to play on aswell as game modes. My favorite mode being terrorist hunt.where a group of 4 can go around the maps eliminating terrorists.This is a great way to get ranked up so you can blast away with that ak-47 when you hit Master Seargant.So in all R6:vegas is a game that shouldnt be passed up by anyone who enjoys first person shooter,and owns a xbox 360. This game gets a 9.4 - 10Vollständige Rezension lesen...



I am in excess of 50 years old and I don't cut and paste the equivalent of some other review and pretend to be clever by calling it my own. Because of my age I probably view games differently than most. I don't get wet-pants excited like many younger people do and immediately think the next thing is automatically wonderful; however, I believe I evaluate fairly. Having said this, I admit I tend to be biased by graphics similar to those used in GEARS OF WAR. I tend to frown on games that only look down a gun barrel or rifle sights for a view of what is happening. It reminds me of a donkey chasing a carrot with nowhere to go and nothing else to see. Despite this I spent days trying to grasp the game.

Rainbow Six has cumbersome commands, pop-up boxes initially that block your view with large icon graphics of a weapon, but words far too small to read - which renders whatever the game is attempting to convey useless. To make matters worse they won't go away until you try whatever it wants even in the middle of s shooting match - like I want to use a snake-cam while someone is shooting at me???? The good news is they eventually do go away!

The buttons are complex with slow, fumbling weapon changes and choices, and the field of vision sucks! You almost never see who is sniping at you and from where; often before it is too late. You don't get a real 360 degree field of what is going on around you and the bad-guy shooters are small, dark, nearly invisible to see. Even the gun flashes don't exist in most cases to help you locate what is trying to kill you. To make matters worse, if you are nicked or shot, the vision blurs and dramatically decreases any chance of seeing where the shots are coming from - this alone was almost enough to make me want to chunk the game into the trash can.

In many ways playing Rainbow Six was like being a rat in a maze. In order to survive the game you have to memorize where all the bad guys are and where they will pop out while starting over a dozen times or so. Not much fun...

I am sure when these chase your guns first came out they was probably the "IN" game format and something cool as there was nothing better to compare them to. The buildings and other graphics tend to be great - the targets and enemy not so great, and I don't get the story line other than you shoot a bunch of bad guys every 5 feet and try to survive even when you can't see those behind you - in front of you - or side of you - YOU GET THE PICTURE HERE? Not a realistic true-to-life game.

I found the save points to be really spaced out - which means you can play for well over an hour, get killed near the end of a segment after several hard gun battles and then have to start all over again! These seemed to have gotten closer together in the last 1/3 of the game, the ability to see the bad guys did get much better, and the action became far more realistic.

My overall impression was it was a game in the process of development and they were working the bugs out it as they invented it. In fact, Rainbow Six Vegas 2 was far better with much clearer graphics, the ability to actually get more ammunition, and more realistic save points.

I like a challenge, but not feeling like a trapped rat in a cyber box. Once you get used to the quirks and frustrations, it is an interesting game to play, but I wouldn't make it my first choice of entertainment.
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Great game, very challenging!

When you think of the genre of Tactical Shooter, you can't help but think of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six series. And while the Rainbow Six series has had its shortcomings, Vegas is a home run. The game focuses more on stealth, planning, cover, and using your items and teammates to achieve your objectives. Failure to utilize all these things will result in lots of frustration. You also don't have much for health. More than a few bullets and you're dead.

If there is one thing I don't like about the game, it's that the gameplay is a bit formulaic. Move to a certain point, trigger an enemy spawn, take out the enemies, and move the chains up to the next save point. But the environments and objectives and enemy AI are varied enough that you hardly notice. And the weapons. There are several weapon categories, and several weapons in each category. Each category has its uses (you wouldn't want to use a submachine gun at long ranges, and likewise you wouldn't use a sniper rifle for CQB), and each weapon is a bit different (some guns are more powerful, some have lower recoil, more accuracy, etc.), and they help keep the game exciting too.

The teammates are an essential part of the gameplay. They're better shots, have better reflexes, and more health than you (unless you're an extremely expert gamer). But leave them behind or order them too far ahead, and you'll be reloading that last checkpoint. You need them to survive and complete the mission.

If you're looking for a shooter where you can run and gun a lot, this is not the game for you. But if you want something that makes you think and plan, and adjust your plan on the fly, pick this one up.
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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas

This game is really great! The graphics are flawless, the teamwork is incredible, and the cover system is great! The Multi player is the best feature of this game, because nothing beats going head to head with your friends in Vegas. My only complaint on this game is the bots seem to know where your are at all times, hence theres no sneaking up and no surprise, not to mention they must all be retired X-snipers...ridiculous shots. I highly recommend you try this game, its a milestone for first person shooters fo sho!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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