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2 Rezensionen


Use this book for fire tinder

This book is not even suitable to start training for Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts.
It would seem that the writer knew nothing about this and just did not care.
Just putting some slop together to put out a fast book.

A Girl Scout in study hall could teach you more about survival.
For the price of a box of Girl Scout cookies. And would be money better spent.

This book; Teaches you absolutely nothing. And is totally useless. The author in the book refuses to teach you anything about building fires without matches. Even saying that most people are to dumb to learn how to build a fire without matches. And it is too hard to do. Maybe the author was just too lazy to learn how to do it himself. In truth anyone with two hands can learn how to start a fire without matches with things you find on the ground. There are at least 7 ways to do this. And you can teach a ten year old child how to do it.

The book Also fails to tell you on how to build a sturdy, suitable shelter. In addition the author is lacking in knowledge of finding clean water resources.

It goes very little into finding safe food to eat or how to cook game you may trap, or how to trap the game. Telling you nothing about food other than telling you can to go on a diet.

The author also does not tell you anything about how to naturally find your bearings or direction of north, south, east or west. In the day or at night.

About all the author does tell you is to sit, wait and hope people will find you. But, the author does not tell you what to do to survive while you are sitting and waiting. Or find your own way out.

If you take this book out into the woods with you and find yourself a situation that you have to survive in, you will not survive with anything written in this book. My suggestion would be, to use the book as tinder to start a fire.

The last name "Fears" is a good last name for the author. Seeing it seems that he is too "Fearful" to go out and learn what he needs to know even about writing a book on survival.

If you buy this book you will be wasting your money. Making you very mad. I got mine at 1/2 price at the store and that was still too much. I would not even feel right selling a copy of this book for 25 cents at a yard sale.

If you want a real book on survival. Fine a copy of; "FM 21-76 Department of the army field manual. Survival"

That book will teach you just about everything you need to know. This book will teach you very little (if anything) and will teach you nothing that you did not know from the FM 21-76. As said the best use for this book is to: Keep it dry, then use the pages to start a fire. It is a waist of reading time and even more a waist of money.

Please check my other Reviews for other books and DVD's that will be useful to you about Survival.
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small in size but not in information

good book. it is pocket sized, but that allows you to keep it in your backpack. very informative book.

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