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7 Rezensionen


A MUST for those who want to be DONE smoking forever!

My brother quit smoking using the "Easy Way" and recommended it to me. I learned this book was first published in 1987 and the author, Allen Carr has helped thousands of people become NON-Smokers, not just X-smokers, who still pine for cigarettes, but people who live happy, productive lives as non-smokers when all other methods failed them. Allen's "Easy Way" has a 90% success rate, compare that with ANY other method... absolutely nothing comes even close. Best yet, when you quit this way, you don't crave cigarettes, you don't envy smokers, and you don't question your decision to stop. This should be the ONLY thing doctors prescribe for patients who come to them for help to stop smoking. This method is nothing short of miraculous. Don't hesitate smokers, buy THIS... you have nothing to lose. If, after reading or listening to the "Easy Way" you want to continue to smoke, so be it, but you really need to know the information that Allen shares with you. How he went from 100 cigarettes a day to 0 and never looked back.

God bless all you smokers... you're not freaks, you're not weak and you have no problem with Will Power. Get this and learn why I say this. It's not a habit that you're fighting, it's an addiction and Allen will give you simple instructions on how to break that addiction once and for all. If you could go back to that very first cigarette you smoking and change it all, never having become a smoker, would you? OF COURSE you would. You didn't intend to smoke for life any more than I did. Now after 29 years of choking myself with a poisonous weed, I've finally found a way to break the chains and become free. YOU CAN TOO!

All the best to you.
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Made it easy for me to quit, buying copies for friends!

The author clearly understands the smoking trap. By explaining it, one realizes that no one really wants to be a smoker after the first cigarette!

Truly debunks a bunch of myths about smoking. Makes it easy to quit using a low pressure approach to help expose many false ideas that keep us smoking. Removing the desire to smoke is the key to stopping without willpower. The temptation to smoke is gone. This is much better and easier than trying to rely on willpower for the rest of your life.

I think the current stats are that this method has about a 75% success rate even after 12 months! This is better than any other method that I know of.

I quit at the beginning of this year (2008) and have no desire to light up again. Sure beats other times that I quit and kept looking back.
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The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

A friend told me about his mother who really smoked about two packs a day, that she read this book called THE EASY WAY TO QUIT SMOKING, and thats how she quit.Well I dont enjoy reading or dont find the time which ever. I bought this book on cd. The reader was very easy to listen to and the book was very well done.
I'm sure the question is now did it work? Well I was spending 40.00 a week and at my job they charged us 25.00 a month added on to our health insurance if you smoke.And now I am saving about 200.00 a month and will live to spend it.

This book is not the usual scare tactic most of us are familiar with. It takes a much different approach, it looks at the reasons we do it and why we have never had longterm success with other attempts.If I sound like I should be selling these books maybe your right. Because the first thing you need to be a great salesman is to tuely belive in your product, and I do.
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You need only this book and your will!

This book has helped me! I am smoking since 1999, after I read this book. Previous therapy with nicotine patches and nicotine gum have failed on me.

During the reading of Allen Carr's book has given me smoking was no longer tasted. But he insisted until the end of the book to quit smoking. Since then I have not touched a cigarette more.

It must be all but completely clear that you should never touch a cigarette!!!

Your head must have the will!

Allen Carr, one takes his statements fully, since he himself is a very heavy smoker (chain smoker) was. He knew from what he said and wrote.

By the way, if you were to be failed after the first reading, then the book begins again from scratch. Your will must join! You create it anyway?

Good luck and have a smoke-free time!
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Awesome way to quit smoking

The cds were recomended by someone who we didn't know very well but thought why not try it. My husband has smoked most of his adult life. His drive to work is over an hour plus he could even smoke at work anytime. Knowing he should quit and wanting to quit was what he needed to get him to listen to the cds. He started on a Monday and by Friday afternoon he smoked his last cigarette. He is now 5 weeks smoke free and I am very encourage that he will not fall back to smoking again. I highly recomend these to anyone who wants to quit but finds is difficult for whatever reason. It has worked for my husband and I am sure it would work for you.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


The easy Way to Stop Smoking

This book definately is a way to move forward in life as a happy non-smoker. Thank you Allen Car for writing this book!!!


It works!

It works! As long as you go into this with an open mind, you will ENJOY quitting! Highly recommended.

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