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Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Purchased this book many years ago in a Christian book store near Hilton Head while vacationing there. The sales agent said: If you love Christian fiction books, I promise you this one is one you will always remember......
I purchased it and could not put it down or get away from its message! Does God really Love someone like “Michael “ loved “Angel” even when she is unfaithful time and again..?
I could go on but the book of Hosea in the Bible will never be the same to me again after reading “Redeeming Love” by Francine Rivers...
Highly recommend this book-I purchase it for gifts now....
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Redeeming Love

This is an excellent story set in a different era, the 1800's. It is based on the Biblical story of Hosea's love for Gomer, a prostitute. However, it is still appropriate for even more modern times because true and undying love as Michael had for "Angel" is never limited to a certain time or era, it's for all times. However, the love Hosea had for Gomer and the love Michael had for Angel is a much deeper, disciplined and honoring love that can only come from an acceptance and commitment to Christ. Angel had never experienced what true love really was. She had only experienced "lustful" passion, which trys to imitate love. That's why Michael was so patient with her so she would come to know the true and only love everyone needs to know, the love of Jesus Christ.

For anyone trying to decide whether to read this book or not, read it! It's an excellent story, but I do think it's more of a woman's book. I will be reading more of Francine Rivers novels because they have good content, they are well written and have a very good message.
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Redeeming Love

I love the way this book is written. The author absolutely takes command of the page and won't let you stop reading. When you read this book you are heading uphill on a scenic route, on a road with soft shoulders and no place to stop until you reach the top. Then, when you do, you find the sight before you to be breathtaking and you forget what it was you meant to do, so you pick the book up and begin to read again.
This is a love story which depicts one man's perfect love for a woman who is not deserving of such passionate compassion, as well as, a reflection of God's neverending love for His bride (the church).
If you enjoy the Bible's tales of how God relentlessly pursues those who belong to Him, you will be completely absorbed by "Redeeming Love."
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Redeeming Love

Redeeming Love is one of the most life changing books I have ever read. This story follows, in many ways, the story of the prophet Hosea in the Old Testament, where God tells the Prophet to go marry the prostitute Gomer. The setting is 1800's California gold rush days, where Michael Hosea is told by God that the prostitute Angel is the bride he wants Michael to rescue. Angel is hesitant but after nearly being beaten to death, she agrees to marry Michael who takes her off to his cabin miles away from there. They run into many obstacles as Angel cannot believe anyone could love her the way Michael says he loves her. His actions of love and willingness to take her back after being caught in the act of adultery and his continued care of her, finally break her stubbornness to never love again. They enjoy many peaceful months together until a neighbor reminds her that Michael deserves better than her. Michael wants children and Angels past ruined any chances she once had of giving them to him. With that thought driving her love, she leaves Michael to marry his chaste neighbor girl. What she does not know is Michael loves her and will hold to his vows 'till he dies. The ending is an exciting adventure that will move you to the realization, that like the Children of Israel in Hosea's time, God loves you and does not give up on you, no matter what. I give this book 5 stars for the amazing journey you enjoy while reading this hard-to-put-down book. Read it! You'll never be the same.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


I cried so hard

This was the first book by Francine Rivers I had ever read. This is a fictional elaboration of the story of Gomer and Hosea in the Bible. There is very little written (in fact less than one sentence)in the Bible about this relationship, but Francine Rivers has created a wonderfully moving and heart-wrenching story of persistence and love. Ms. Rivers' characters are balanced evenly. There is no hero or heroine that you must prefer over another character. Each one's motives and inner thoughts are heard and appreciated. I found myself pleading with the characters to just talk to each other and be understood. I loved this book!!! It has prompted to buy 5 more of her books. I am hooked completely on this author because of this first book. Thanks for the witness and the enjoyment.Vollständige Rezension lesen...



Francine Rivers has done a wonderful job translating the story of God instructing Hosea to marry the prostitute Gomer into a more current (1850s California gold country)story. I am a Christian, but the main reason I read this book is because I love novels about love & romance. The first time I read Redeeming Love, I had checked it out of the library. I loved it and was so moved and touched that I wanted to own it because I WILL be reading it again and again. I highly recommend it to anyone who would enjoy a wonderful love story. 99% of women who read this will expel a long sigh at the end of the story. Many will think the main character, Michael Hosea, is too good to be true. And some will sigh and think, "Why can't I have a man like that in my life? Why can't I experience that kind of love. This is an easy book to read because it draws you in with the drama, the dynamics of their relationship, and the love they find with each other. In addition, it is a "clean" romance novel that the reader will enjoy. You'll be left with a warm feeling of contentment knowing that this kind of love can exist.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Redeeming Love

I bought it because a friend of mine strongly recommended reading it.
I'm a man, and I can see it is sort of meant for a female audiance, but hey, it sure has a lot of excellant content as it helps us as people to learn patience and kindness with those around us, for we simply do not know what we have each all gone through. To be forgiving, and non judgemental. As well, it really gives a man a good idea on how to treat a lady, and understand how women tick and what they appreciate in men.
Above all, I liked the actual story, really good.
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Best Book Ever Written About Unconditional Love

I’m not typically a love story type of reader; however, this will forever be one of my favorite books.

The author retells the Bible story of Gomer and Hosea as though it was 1850. Redeeming Love is a magnificent story of God’s unconditional redeeming love!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: thrift.books


One of my favorite books of all time.

I'm another who loved this book.

The newer edition (reworked for Christian publication, Multnomah Books) is good, but the original (Bantam press for mass market) was better.
It was harsher, edgier and probably entirely too racy for "Christian" consumption though, hence Rivers' reworking of her earlier, secular novel.

However, writing as an evangelical Christian, I have to say I think the original, with all of its edginess and racy language/scenes, actually did a better job of presenting the themes of both God's salvation and more importantly, redemption, of broken people.
I think by editing her book, she loses much of the contrast that makes the book so real...
That said, I honestly don't think you can go wrong by reading either version of this book.
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Fantastic book!

I saw this book in a bookstore and just knew i had to read it. My friends had referred this author to me before so I was familiar with the name. I can see why so many people love to read Francine Rivers. She took a touchy subject and described it so carefully and beautifully. The story of Hosea is often taken out of context and she did an excellent job transferring feelings and circumstances into more modern day settings. This story really clicked with me and I am looking forward to reading more in her series. It is quite lengthy and although I didn't want to put it down, 500 pages is quite a lot to bite off. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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