4.44.4 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics96% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay92% stimmen zu

Good value100% stimmen zu

63 Rezensionen



You have to use the stylus for nearly everything, even walking, which is tiresome. It would be nice to have that as an option, since the ds has buttons.

The story progresses very slowly.
>You don't really get the option to think or make your own choices, you are pretty much led to each clue--but if you miss a clue, which is easy to do, you can get lost and spend a lot of frustrating time trying to figure out where you went wrong.

If you attempt to access a clue before it is the right time, nothing happens, so then later when you need it, you don't go to it because you think it is not a clue, so you waste time.

Story is interesting but game play is boring. The "puzzles" are way too easy with tons of clues telling you what to do. I wish they let you figure them out first, then if you have trouble, you should get the choice to get clues, if you want them. Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: pats1717


Hotel Stuck: Room what do I do now?

I bought Hotel Dusk: Room 215 because I'm a big fan of story-based adventures. I loved Trace Memory, and Hotel Dusk was made by the same people. It's mostly a great game for fans of the genre, but it can get very confusing at times. I keep getting infuriatingly stuck without a single clue what to do next. A quick trip to Gamefaqs would probably fix my problems, but as many adventure gamers know, it's usually better to figure it out for yourself. The answers can be ridiculously well-hidden, which makes this game best suited to extremely observant people. The plus sides of the game include a unique control scheme and system setup (you hold the DS sideways like a book and play almost exclusively with the stylus...and there is a lefty option, thank goodness) and a captivating mystery story. If you're willing to get stuck once in a while as you play, this game is well worth your money.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Good mystery nintendo game

A bit on the pricy side for the amount of content but nevertheless good value for the whole mystery genre on the
Nintendo DS, especially for those who like myself have played Last Window before. Good story of course and intriguing puzzles but that is to be expected from CiNG(developer that made the game). Graphics are well, Nintendo DS graphics, but if you are buying this, or any old DS game for that matter, you aren't buying it for the graphics anyway. Really nice and unique art style though.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: click4carts


Hotel Dusk: Rom 215

After a long hiatus from gaming since the old Atari days, I was looking for a game that a middle-aged adult would enjoy and I certainly found it with this game. It's a great game searching for items and clues, questioning guests and staff in the hotel to help find specific items while being careful not to tick someone off or get caught snooping and end up getting kicked out of the hotel. There are times where you find yourself without clues or anyone to talk to...just wandering around the hotel with nothing happening and may seem like you're at a dead end, but rethink everything and think hard, and you'll get back on track. You are the constant detective in this game. If you do get kicked out of the hotel you are allowed to retry which is awesome, as you don't have to start over completely. Lots of fun and highly recommended. I've been working on this game whenever I can steal some time, since around mid December, and I still have not finished it yet, and there is much more to come. Hope you like it as much as I do.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Hotel Dusk, Excellent Service

I used to play games as a kid, and I still love them now. However, I do not have the time anymore to play them as much as I used to, so I started playing adventure games mostly because I don't feel the rush to complete them on one sitting, I can play them at night just before going to sleep, and not feeling all worked up.

I've been hunting these kind of games all over, specially for the DS, but they're hard to find. So when, I saw Hotel Dusk:Room 215 at merely over $10.00 I had to buy it.

I was expecting an actual adventure game, but this is not the case, the game is sold as an interactive novel and that's what it is. You'll spend your time reading and you'll read a lot, luckily the writing is very good and most of the characters are so well written that you'll get to feel truly sympathy or despise for them.

The only complaint I have is with the actual "game" part. While the puzzles are somewhat enjoyable they are quite simple and not challenging enough. Most of the challenge you get of it, comes from getting to know what to do next, which luckily the game/novel tries to avoid by letting your inner thoughts guide you through. And this is the other problem with it; all the writing and beautiful drawn facial expressions make you believe the characters are real, and the world is real as well, but after a while you'll get to know that the game/novel only moves forward after some unrelated action triggers another one which makes it feel somewhat artificial.

But do not let these problems keep you away from it. You may have read better novels, or played better games, but as a mix of both it's one of the best. The writing is outstanding, at least for a game and the art direction with its rotoscope animations is more beautiful and more emotional than any 3d game out there.

I was expecting to play it one hour at a time, but I got sucked in and spend my weekend playing it until its conclusion. I was great.
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Outstanding use of the DS system.

Hotel Dusk: Room 215 is most certainly a must-have game for the DS. It brings one back to the glory days of point and click adventures, this time with the stylus as your guide. The animation is unique, and gives a nice, noir feel to the game, and the story unravels at a nice pace. Don't expect Shakespeare or anything, but the story is still decent enough. The game is not overly challenging and you should be able to finish it in a couple of days. The main thing to remember, however, is that this game is just FUN to play, and the music and scenery bring out a fabulous moody atmosphere. Great for a fun, quick play-through without the need to dedicate a large amount of time and effort.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Great Innovative Game

"Take control of an interactive mystery novel and discover the secrets of Hotel Dusk. Who is Kyle Hyde-and what really happened in Room 215? Take stylus in hand and navigate a tangled web of lies, betrayal, and murder to learn the answers." so says the back of the cover for the game Hotel Dusk Room 215. This game feels, as well as plays, like a book, albeit an interactive one. You even hold the DS differently, similar you would to a book, to play the game. However, don't let that fool you. Some people may say things such as "It's just like watching TV" or "I want to PLAY the game, not WATCH it." Even IF I'd agree to such an argument, I would STILL want to play the game, just knowing how the story is told. But I think its a little more than just something you watch. It feels like you're a detective, trying to find clues, talking to people, solving puzzles such as opening locks, and the like. At first glance, the gameplay doesn't seem like much. Hell, when I first picked up the game I thought to myself "Is this all there is? Just a point and click game?" However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. This game is innovative with everything that the DS can do, especially when doing things such as solving puzzles. I thought one of the most clever ones was an instance where I had to flip something over. On the left side of the DS showed the item I had to flip over. On the right side of the DS showed an empty table. At first I was a bit confused, but then I closed the DS, opened it back up, and it was actually flipped, like if I was doing it in real life. Almost anything the DS was capable of, this game did.
The graphics fit very well with the genre of this game. However, I feel that the graphics of this game would recieve similar reponse to the graphics of Zelda: Windwaker. Either you love them or you hate them. Fortunately, I love the graphics for this game. They help set the atmosphere.
Another thing that always helps set atmosphere is sound of the game. I felt that the sound was very good. Whether you were pressed for time, just figured out something new, or casually walking down the hallway, the appropriate music played.
Although all the above was important, the most important thing was the fact that I kept getting drawn to this game, even when I would get a game over and had to do everything all over again. The storyline in this game is what really keeps this game going. Small mysteries turn into larger ones, and I love how everything had some connection of some sort. It just made the mystery even better at the end. In the end, I feel that Hotel Dusk is a game that you should have in your DS collection. It is a great game. I am still drawn to playing it even though it is my third playthrough. Some people would say phoenix wright is their favorite game, but in my own opinion, Hotel Dusk is a little better. It's just worth playing.
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Wishes: Room 215

Hotel Dusk is a fun visual novel/adventure game that's good if you enjoy mysteries and are into text-heavy games. It is very stylized (in my opinion: in a good way) with characters appearing as lively sketch drawings with animations, and the whole game requiring the DS to be turned 90 degrees: as if you're looking onto a book.

You play as a salesman staying at a run-down hotel where, while trying to solve a huge personal mystery, you end up solving several ones that are all tangentially related in some way.

As a big fan of games that involves mysteries, Hotel Dusk as a very fun playthrough. A big problem with the game however is that a lot of questions that pop up from the solved mysteries never get answered or resolved. And (without spoiling anything) the ending was pretty anti-climatic and a little on the boring side. Still, if you're a fan of mysteries then I'd recommend playing the game.
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Hotel Dusk Review

Hotel Dusk is a unique noir style DS game. While not perfect, its interesting story and clever puzzles make this an enjoyable game to play.

The good:
- Clever puzzles that make use of the DS's unique features.
- A built in memo-system that lets you take notes in the DS.
- An interesting art style that blends 2D black & white characters with a 3D color environment.

The bad:
- The dialog scrolls a little too slowly and I often wished that I could speed it up.
- Moving the protagonist takes a little getting used to, but it's not too difficult after a little practice.
- Once or twice I got lost trying to figure out what to do next, but usually it's not a problem.
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A great game for beginning Nitendo DS users

This was one of the first games i got for my Nintendo DS as i love mystery games, and it was a great way to get an introduction on how to play this type of game on this medium. It was easy to get the hang of and i didn't find myself getting too stuck looking for clues, etc, which can get frustrating. I thought this was a great game and I'm glad i played it. It definitely gave me a good standing for playing some other mystery games on the DS.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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