4.74.7 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics100% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay92% stimmen zu

Good value100% stimmen zu

28 Rezensionen


Great Game For Achievements!

What I Did Like:
Ok I haven't played a Harry Potter game since Sorcerers Stone for the PC. But this game was amazing compared to that! I loved that you could get nearly headless nick to help you get to place to place, because if not I wouldn't been able to get anywhere! I loved dueling! The wizard duels are great fun! The way you have to hit the left and right stick to execute a spell, I thought that was clever and really original! Also, If your getting this for the Xbox 360, your gonna get achievements OUT THE BUTT! You get them just for watching cut scenes!I like though that they had fun with everything, like theres a record screech in there and other little sounds. Also when you drink the liquid luck, I thought that was a great little time (dont know what Im talking about, buy the game and find out =P)Also the modeling and such in the game are EXCELLENT! and to walk freely around Hogwarts is also a plus

Now What I Didnt Like So Much:
But now the CON about the modeling, its great and all but the models lack Expression. Alot of the times when you talk to others, its them just standing there talking. So that can get boring and what happen to being able to fly your broom out on the school grounds? I always liked that in the games, a shame they didnt put it in this one.Oh yeah, and If I hear that girl ask me to look for her chocolate frogs one more time, Im gonna flip a wig. So what Im getting at is that the talk that you hear from other students is the same alot of the time. They could have got more, also when your talking to other people like in cut scenes, there is absolutely no emotion in there voice acting. Even when Dumbledore dies, that was like the main point the the book/movie. But when it gets to that cut scene in the game, the actors go thru it all in such dull tones, it makes you bored. I also wished there could have been alot more spells, that would have been awesome. The camera angles and such could have done with some improving also. Last thing I can think of is that the storyline is SHORT! You could easily get through the story in 2-4 hours

So every thing applied, Its good fun but could use some little tweeks here in there. But over all, I give it a 3 out of 5
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Best Harry Potter game ever!

This has to be the best Harry Potter (HP) game that has been released yet! I will split each category that people are concerned about into sections below so viewers can get a better description!
r>1.) Controls(4/5)- The Controls in this game are amazingly different from all the others! They are surprisingly easy to master, and they take much less time to do. All you have to do is flick the right-analog stick in the direction of the arrows when learning the spell. You can also view spells on the menu when you press pause during gameplay.
2.) Story(5/5)- The Story/Plot to the game is great. I will be sure not to ruin it, but Harry is embarking in an adventure to find the 7 horocruxes that Voldemort has made from his soul. Without destroying the 7 horocruxes, Voldermort is invulnerable and can't die. He and Professor Albus Dumbledore go to find the 3rd, after Dumbledore finding the 1st, and Harry finding the 2nd (Tom Riddle's Diary). Everyone should enjoy this game, but usually you would have to know the story from the beginning, Movie 1. Although, if you don't feel like watching every movie, then just look up the story through every movie.
3.) Graphics(4/5)- The graphics for this game are amazing. Every character looks like they would in the movie series, and there is so much scenery in the game. There are tons of things going on in the game with amazing graphics that I'm surprised it doesn't slow down or get choppy from time to time. Although, when you get up close it looks a little choppy and fuzzy, but what game doesn't?
4.) Sound(*5/5*)- The sound in this game is over the top! Everything sound real and like it would in the movie. From flying a broom, casting spells, mixing potions, talking to students, walking, portraits talking, falling clumsly, and so much more it sound SO REAL!!!

All in all this game is sure to please any Harry Potter fans that love a good gameplay of the story. This game adds more realism to the story, and puts you in the shoes of some of the main characters of the Harry Potter series!!!Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Half-Blood Prince is the best Potter game of the 6

First, the last Potter game, Order of the Phoenix, has some things better than this one. I really miss playing chess, gobstones, and exploding snap. In H-BP, the only minigames are flying (it's not as cool as you would think), potions, and dueling (pretty fun). Aiming and using spells is vvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy tedious unlike OOTP. Graphics are amazing! and voice cover, sound,music are good. Awesome Game!Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Great Fun!!!

Very good Harry Potter game, possibly the best In the series.Mixing up potions is a smashing good time!!!

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: tgwsbst


Game was excellent. A little shorter than I wanted.

Wide range of spells. Great graphics and smooth animations. As I said earlier the game was shorter than I would have liked it to be, but still good. Overall gameplay has increased ten fold from their first game and wil look forward to getting the new game.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Great Game

Bought it for my grandson's birthday. He loved it!!!

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: thebuyingoflot49


Great interaction

Fun game play and makes you think.

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: linguisticlily


Great game

Good game. Works perfect. Thanks

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: mononoke20


Love this game

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: gatsbygirl06


Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!

Five star Five Star!! FIVE STAR.
For this to be the last time harry and friends can really walk around the castle and the qudditch and duling are great too. Great game!!! Plus it's from 2009 and the graghics are great too. Game is briilent
| RyanB
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