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Features Actors: Anthony Hopkins, Ryan Gosling & David Strathairn.
Running Time:112 Min.
Rating: R
DVD Extras: Two alternate endings, deleted scenes, alternate scenes and a theatrical trailer.

Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins) is the CEO of the successful aeronautical firm which bears his name. The multi-millionaire drives a six-figure sports car and lives in a hilltop mansion overlooking Los Angeles with a trophy wife (Embeth Davidtz) half his age whom he absolutely adores.

However, that thin line between love and hate evaporates soon after he discovers that she's been conducting a steamy affair with a hunky, young homicide detective (Billy Burke). Instead of confronting them about the illicit liaison, Ted sets about carefully concocting an elaborate plan for revenge. Then, he shoots his spouse in the head and rather than try to cover up the crime, he simply waits for the police to arrive and matter-of-factly admits the dastardly deed to the investigating officer, who happens to be her shocked lover, Detective Nunally.Crawford is carted off to jail for what appears to be an open-and-shut case, especially since he decides to represent himself. However, Nunally never informed prosecutor Willy Beacham (Ryan Gosling) about his relationship with Mrs. Crawford who was left comatose in a vegetative state with the bullet still embedded in her brain. Because the cops could never find the murder weapon, the state's case comes apart at the seams when the defendant makes an undisputed accusation that his confession had been beaten out of him by an officer who had been secretly sleeping with his wife.
Meanwhile hotshot attorney Willy Beachum (Ryan Gosling) is about to abandon the district attorney’s offices for more lucrative lawyering grounds associated with a big firm. He’s assigned one last case and thinks it will be an easy one since there’s a signed confession. However, it turns out to be Ted’s case and it will be anything but easy as Ted has a few tricks up his sleeves.

Will keep you guessing until the end!
Hope this helps you decide.Thanks for reading! :)
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A Battle Of Wits; It's Not

Arrogance meets Cocky when Academy Award Winner Anthony Hopkins and Oscar Nominee Ryan Gosling match wits in the entertaining and ridiculous legal thriller 'Fracture'.
On the defense side of the aisle is Hopkins, as imperious Aeronautical Engineer Ted Crawford, who admits he shot his wife but still expects to get off. For the prosecution is Gosling; smug Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney Willie Beachum, a man who doesn't like to lose, but who needs to wrap up the case quickly so that he can start his new cushy corporate job.
It would be a terrific setup, if it were possible to care about either character and if the story didn't so quickly unravel into the completely unbelievable.
The drama never gets better than in its opening scenes as it sets up the attempted murder of Crawford's Wife Jennifer (Embeth Davitz), as well as his motivation in wanting her dead.
Director Gregory Hoblit ("Primal Fear", "Frequency") keeps the suspense taut, so even though anyone who has seen the trailer knows what is about to happen, the event is still shocking. The introduction of the SWAT Team and Hostage Negotiator Rob Nunally (Billy Burke) add another layer of intrigue. It's only when the plot is actually enjoined — when Crawford is arrested and Beachum assigned to the case — that the movie falls apart.
"If you look close enough, you'll find everyone has a weak spot," is the movie's tagline, echoing what Crawford tells Beachum during their first meeting. Screenwriters Daniel Pyne and Glenn Gers should have taken that bit of dialogue to heart and scoured their own script for its weak spots. There are plenty as they have put together a courtroom drama that is plotted like a soap opera trial or an old episode of 'Perry Mason'.
The trial starts almost instantaneously after the murder. In court, Crawford completely manipulates the situation and the supposedly whip smart Beachum has no answer for him (or much legal sense, since the circumstances virtually scream mistrial). Late in the movie, Beachum does not even appear to have a layman's knowledge of the American Legal System, let alone a lawyer's, as he has to consult his law books for answers on a glaringly obvious point. It is one thing to take a little bit of dramatic license; this goes way beyond that and the film suffers for it.
The film's biggest weakness is not the haphazard and poorly structured plotting, but Beachum himself. As portrayed by Gosling; a lazy performance that offers none of the nuance that characterized his Independent Spirit Award-Winning turn in "Half Nelson", Beachum is arrogant, narcissistic, and used to winning. He is someone who has carefully managed his career and his caseload so that this graduate of a No-Name Law School could join the boys and girls of the Ivy League at a cushy Corporate Firm. He is not a drunk nor is he incompetent. There is nothing in his makeup that explains his miscues in court, adding another layer of implausibility to the story.
Beachum also is not particularly likeable and neither is Crawford, as Hopkins offers yet another variation on his Hannibal Lecter Character, albeit one not as charming as that gourmand Serial Killer. With no rooting interest in either man, it simply becomes a case of Good vs Evil.
'Fracture' does have a few points in its favor. At least, it is never dull. It has a great supporting cast; but just never delivers it's promise as a film.
What Ought To Have Been An Engaging Battle Of Wits; Simply Isn't....
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Anthony Hopkins' Murder Story

Can a movie where Anthony Hopkins plays a clever murderer go wrong? The answer is no, no it can’t - thank goodness! Though he trades “Clarice” for “Willy Boy,” and cannibalism for a more calculated sort of murder, Hopkins evokes his Silence of the Lambs heyday in what is definitely one of the best thrillers of 2007.

You’d think after countless movies where jealous husbands kill their wives women might take a few extra steps to ensure that their spouses aren’t complete psychos before embarking on scandalous affairs. And if you’re married to Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins), a super-intellectual obsessed with building strange marble structures, you probably should have seen the warning signs. Still Jennifer Crawford (Embeth Davidtz) obliviously continues her dangerous liaison with a man whose true identity she refuses to learn, while Ted patiently waits for the perfect moment to strike.

When Jennifer returns home after a hard day’s cheating, Ted innocently requests a hug before shooting her in the face. When the police arrive, Ted only permits hostage negotiator Rob Nunally (Billy Burke) into the house, knowing full well that Rob is the man his wife has been cavorting with. Ted confesses his crime as Rob frantically searches for signs of life from his lover and then desperately attacks her shooter. Doctors manage to stabilize Jennifer in a coma while Ted is sent to court where, he elects to represent himself. Hot shot Assistant District Attorney Will Beachum (Ryan Gosling), agrees to take on the open and shut case to add one more to win to his seamless record before beginning a new lucrative position in corporate law. With Willy distracted by his overblown confidence and his sexy new boss Nikki (Rosamund Pike), Ted begins to manipulate the system so that Willy’s slam-dunk case quickly turns into an air ball.

Thanks to the endless slew of recent disappointing thrillers, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Fracture to well, fracture. During a rather haunting interrogation scene, Ted tells Willy “Look closely enough and you’ll find everything has a weak spot…” I found Fracture’s in the unnecessary romance between Nikki and Willy. Not that anyone would mind a job where you get to screw your sexy boss before you even unpack your stapler, but an invite to Thanksgiving dinner is where I draw the line. Director Gregory Hoblit could have at least left us the steamy sex scene for good measure, but half of a shoulder doesn’t justify the untimely affair. However, unlike what happens with Willy’s case against Ted, one little crack doesn’t lead to a break. As the film progressed, I continued to anticipate melodrama, cliché, and unintentional comedy, but when the credits rolled, I realized that Fracture is actually a GREAT movie.

It’s a testament to just how bad the film industry can be that anyone would even doubt a movie pitting Anthony Hopkins against Ryan Gosling …but then again, Harrison Ford versus Paul Bettany led to the disaster known as Firewall. Fortunately, Hoblit lays fresh and compelling visuals over a script rife with witty banter, creating a film that entertains while it intrigues. As expected, the title actors give incredible performances, with Gosling shining as a haughty go-getter who has to be put in his place before he can put Ted in his. The real standout though is the plot itself, which doesn’t try to reinvent the genre with some ridiculously shocking ending (ahem, M. Night Shyamalan) but instead oozes cleverness
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Top Billing Stars in a Crime Driven Court Drama

This film centers around the death of one man's wife and the drive of one lawyer Ryan Gosling) set out to prove his strong belief that the man is guilty. Anthony Hopkins is in a role with many similar charecteristics as in Silence of the Lambs Just when all things appeared lost, a simple spin in events causes the case to be risen from the dead. This one leaves you with the impression that Fracture 2 is on its way but then again many movies end like this and the sequel never happens!!Vollständige Rezension lesen...



The DVD is scratched all over the place. You can’t see it from the backside, but it skips all over and about midway through the movie. It literally stops and you cannot watch anymore. I would like a replacement please I will return this one or send me a label. Thank you. The movie is excellent. The product came damaged at skips all over the place and stops right in the middle of the movie.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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Cat and Mouse

Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling are at the top of their game in this back and forth thriller. It's not a mystery per se, because you see who the killer is in the first 5 minutes. But the fun starts when legal gymnastics, misleading clues, and twists and turns keep one engrossed and entertained from beginning to end. Highly recommend this for the plot, acting, and suspense.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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Fracture with Anthony Hopkins & Ryan Gosling

Great suspense movie, with a perfect role for Anthony Hopkins.
3 alternate endings on the DVD to a movie where you can't guess the ending.
This is a replacement for my DVD that failed. (Yes, I watch it every few months or so.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: ezmoney4me2



Fracture is an excellent movie with a twisting plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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Fracture is a great mystery that will keep your attention.

Fracture is clever mystery, with a good story line and great acting. Anthony Hopkins gives his normal outstanding interpretation of the main role, and Ryan Gosling comes across as one of the better new actors. Sure to be a welcome addition to your dvd collection.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Intriguing Movie....with a clever turnabout of events....

If you like "murder mysteries" which are a bit "different", this one is for you. One can never go wrong with an Anthony Hopkins movie.....and this one is EXCELLENT as he matches wits with a determined prosecutor....Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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