4.54.5 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics100% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay100% stimmen zu

Good value91% stimmen zu

24 Rezensionen


Blade Runner meets RoboCop and Creates an Immersive Game!

First Person shooters and flight/driving simulations whether single or multi are among my favorite genres. Deus Ex is the third in a series of FPS games modeled in a near future where human enhancement of senses and abilities is possible. Human Revolution is actually a "prequel" to the other two releases. It is far and above the best yet. You are Adam Jensen, head of Security for a major bio-enhancement (augmentation)Corporation thrust into a future world of Corporate espionage and warfare. Your ex girlfriend has been killed and you will follow clues to try and get justice... Or at least revenge. The gameplay emphasizes open ended play with many choices very frequently throughout the game that directly affect the path you take and continue on and also the cutscenes you will see. In that respect this game is like purchasing many games in one. I am now on my third playthrough and have taken sometime big differences in play choices and other times what I think are subtle differences in my choices. The results are always logical though not always expected. Huge differences sometime yeild subtle differences in results and visa versa with what I think is a subtle difference in my response to a fork in the road taking me down an entirely and radically different path. Yet a path that makes sense when played out. Many of the dilemmas are ethical and moral choices presented manytimes with no black & white answers. I LOVE THAT! The gameplay is the best yet of the series with the controls mapped out better than the last two games. The graphics are 3d if your computer supports that (mine does of course)and state of the art. This game is a masterpiece and a MUST OWN to any sci fi fan that wants to live the cyber-punk sci-fi they may have grown up reading. This is Blade Runner meets RoboCop in feel and play.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


great value for the money

Deus Ex has often been referred to as the Holy Grail of gaming by its rabid fans. It sported a massive and immersive world, with a relatively emotionless protagonist to create your own image for. It also sported combat that had multiple ways to win, and eventually this style of gameplay could be seen later in games such as Bioshock, where crafty spells have just as lethal effects as bullets.....but yes, you can just shoot everyone to pieces if you so choose.
So the bar is quite high for Deus Ex : Human Revolution. We already saw one sequel in Deus Ex: Invisible War try to remake that epic feel of JC Denton’s adventure, the protagonist of the first game. While it wasn’t a bad game, it was nowhere near the level of awesome that the fan base was expecting. Now it’s up to the guys at Eidos to learn from their mistakes and make a worthy sequel of a legend.
This game is rated M for Mature. It’s not only mature for its topics and gameplay, but I would actually call it mature for understanding of the storyline as well.
Human Revolution, and the Deus Ex series in general are a wealth of genres pooled together. Since each one is an important part of the whole, we’ll approach the gameplay one at a time.
The first part of the gameplay that will probably stand out to you are the stealth portions. These are common, but largely optional. Forced stealth is not a fun mechanic, and I’m happy to see the developers realized this. Being spotted will almost always trigger attacks and possibly reinforcements depending on the alert level, but the AI for better or for worse is completely retarded. If you so much as duck behind a box for a few seconds, the sentries will go right back to their posts/along their merry way. Seeing as we’re not playing Metal Gear, I can accept this. It also helps with the flow of the game. If you’re constantly getting spotted and not playing a combat-oriented character, you’ll definitely appreciate the quick resetting of patrols. But the stealth gameplay isn’t just get by—it can also be get to your opponents for conversations or quick kills. Stealth is optional, but the rewards are so much more satisfying than playing Rambo.
When the blood spills, it turns into a fairly standard game. Fans of the original will be happy to see that your accuracy isn’t horrendous at long range now, and like every other damn shooter, we’ve got a cover system. Even when you get hit, there’s a health regeneration element. A lot of you probably stood up and yelled after reading that, but fear not. It’s fairly slow, and if you pump up the difficulty, extremely slow. Mistakes in combat are not easily fixed as a result, so you can’t rely on being in cover for 5 seconds to restore your health. You restore your ‘mana’ as well when it is depleted, but only enough for one action’s worth. You have to find consumables to restore the rest. Attacks such as Takedowns (lethal or non-lethal, more on this later) will use your energy just like special attacks.
Deus Ex : Human Revolution is a wonderful step forward for cyberpunk RPG enthusiasts. This is RPG perfection! The world feels vivid, the options in combat are numerous and varied, and you can come up with multiple ways to ‘solve’ a situation typically. You have every reason to explore and try things in Human Revolution, and what’s more, you’re actually rewarded for doing so rather than feeling like you wasted your time. Other developers, take note, this is a wonderful feeling to have
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Good immersive game. Reminds me more of the first one which I loved.

First and foremost, Deus Ex Human Revolution had me hooked from start to finish just like the first one did. It's a pretty solid game. There was one instance where I was literally stuck in an elevator shaft with no place to go. I probably spent a good 45 minutes looking around trying to find a place out. But other than that issue the game was flawless for me.

As for gameplay, I thought it was well done. Obviously it isn't the same as the first one and I didn't expect it to be. But if you were good at sneaking around in the first one, you'll be just fine in this one. One review I read in Maximum PC magazine was that the boss fights are actually more difficult if you choose stealth as your primary way of fighting... That is very true. I played the game through on the hardest setting. Nothing was all that difficult if done right except for the boss fights. The boss's take a ton of damage and do a ton of damage. If you don't specialize in some kind of ballistics you're going to have a bit of a hard time, and that's why it always took me as long as it did. The other thing that was a bit of a let down was the hand to hand take downs. You see the preview for the game via online or TV and you see Jensen killing guys with his bare hands and you think you get to do that... Not the case. Just sneak up on a guy and with the press of a button the game takes over and does it for you. Granted, it doesn't take away the coolness aspect it, but it would be nice to do those kinds of things yourself.

I thought the story line was done pretty well. One of the best story lines a game has ever given me was the first Deus Ex. Human Revolution isn't as good, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and it had it's own twists and turns just as anyone familiar with the Deus Ex series would expect.

In the end, was the game worth full price? In my opinion no game is worth 50-60 bucks. But if you could pick it up for $25 or less knowing what kind of game you're getting it's worth it. If a sneaky fps isn't the kind of game you like, Deus Ex isn't for you.
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Deus EXcellent!!!!

Directors Cut is definitive version of the game. It's the best version of the best installment of the franchise! Everything runs smooth. I'm playing a pacifist stealth build and the game has never been more enjoyable for me. I played a ps3 version of the original release back in 2011 and that was kinda buggy. This newest cut is a great improvement. Try it and see for yourself.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: neu | Verkauft von: arsenex2


Superb RPS/RPG

Game has so many choices that influence your characters ability's, special attributes. Large world, many places to see and travel. You can either go ballistic or stealth. Your choice. I'm 60+ and this one really kicks it good.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf: Nein


fast delivery and the game runs flawlessly

Love the game awesome graphics and very impressive weapons and gadgets also the story has a very powerful message showing how the future could look like if corporate companies become too much for the government.
Anyway love this game have been a fan of this series
can't wait to see if they will continue on with this franchise hope they do.
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Fun game


Good game to buy cheap.

This is a shooter game and it is a sequel to other two good Deus-ex games. This latest in the series is a good game, makes you think and plan and is a good game however not fascinating like other known shooters: Halo, borderlands, crysis, and so on The game arrived brand new, and has an activation code. Always buy brand new games since nowadays they all have activation code that works through steam and origin accounts.Vollständige Rezension lesen...



A good value and fun gameplay. brand new in the box.

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: neu | Verkauft von: checkaway


Excellent game, graphics were very good

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: neu | Verkauft von: videogamesupply

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