4.54.5 von 5 Sternen
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Engaging characters100% stimmen zu

104 Rezensionen


Mixed emotions but I'll watch anything with Depp in it

First, I have to go on record as saying that I'll nearly anything with Johnny Depp in it. Even so, this didn't keep my kids exactly entertained. They kept saying, "This is creepy" and things like that. I enjoyed watching Depp, however, and his very different interpretation of his role compared to the one Gene Wilder played. This isn't light and sunny, true, but it is defnitely creative and worth viewing. Depp remains an actor worth watching, making moments of true magic in nearly every film he is in, from Edward Scissorhands to Pirates of the Caribbean.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Candy for the eyes

Tim Burton gives movie watchers plenty of eye candy in his new adaptation of Roald Dahl's dark children's classic "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Burton's penchant for gloomy tales meshes nicely with Dahl's dark moral story.

Despite what many people have claimed, it’s misleading to say Burton's movie is a remake of the 1971" Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." Sure, the basics are still the same: a poor boy discovers the last golden ticket, allowing him to tour Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children – one gluttonous, one prideful, one greedy and another wrathful. But from there, the two films take different paths.

The 1971 version averts attention from the darkness or morality in Dahl's book. Focus is shifted off Charlie, onto Wonka. That’s why the title’s different. The movie inserts suicide-prompting Disney-like songs and dancing to make the film more lovey-dovey. All the while, Dahl's moralistic vision that pervades the book floats away with the insertion of Charlie's disobedience with fizzy-lifting drink.

This new, 2005 edition follows the book. It changes little but does add where Dahl left room for imagination. Screenwriter John August ("Big Fish") spent months with Burton to create a script that would have pleased Dahl. They collaborated with the late Dahl's wife, Felicity, to ensure the book was done justice.

The insertion of Willy Wonka's childhood gives the reasons for Wonka's weirdness. This film also clearly shows the bad natures of the four other kids and their parents. This movie stays true to the moral lessons that Dahl conveyed in his book.

Many argue that no one can replace Gene Wilder as the weird confectioner Willy Wonka. But, Johnny Depp gives the character meaning where Wilder could not. Depp's appearance, erringly similar to Michael Jackson, almost matches Joseph Schindelman's drawings in the book and perfectly illustrates the odd Wonka mannerisms.

Burton's other casting decisions are not debatable. Freddie Highmore (“Finding Neverland”) plays a convincing, selfless Charlie. His waifish appearance is far more believable than Peter Ostrum's blonde hair, blue eyes and healthy look in 1971. David Kelly ("Waking Ned Divine") is a loveable Grandpa Joe. Deep Roy (“Big Fish”) plays the Oompa Loompas, who sing clever yet distracting songs after each bad child's disobedience. Christopher Lee's ("Lord of the Rings”) role as Wonka's dad makes the flashbacks of Wonka's childhood alluring.

Music was only a backdrop in this movie. Danny Elfman, theme-creator of "Spider-Man" and "Batman," created no standout tunes for this movie. What little music there was in the film sounded similar to Elfman's "Men in Black" theme.

In classic Burton style, most characters have matte-finished makeup. The gray lighting in much of the movie was reminiscent of another Burton’s "Sleepy Hollow." The geese from the 1971 movie have been replaced with the nut-cracking squirrels from the book. Burton's decision to make visually impressive physical sets and use limited special effects adds to the wonder Dahl wrote about.

Enjoy Burton's "Factory" eye candy and let out your inner child, although you'll have to buy the dvd yourself.
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****Love this movie!!!**** EXCELLENT AND MUCH BETTER THAN Wilder's version, yet in different ways.

So funny, a great cast, and well thought out actor-to-character choices--amidst the somewhat exaggerated yet realistic roles inter playing and bantering between the many variations between scenes!

JOHNNY DEPP, who has been, and IS so versatile...ONE OF THE BEST ACTORS, EVER! And again plays a very eccentric spin on the role (Burton...) and may seem somewhat aloof or obtuse in his approach, but ONE must watch in its entirety to fully understand. Depp is GREAT and quite a FUNNY FASCINATION --especially when RELATING TO CHILDREN and their parents, who have their own UNIQUE and individualistic ideas of CHILD rearing (or non-rearing or realistic positive rearing....some of which may need some of HIS 'rear-ending' ha ah ha... No offense meant and this IS MY ONLY Opinion!)

*****MUST SEE and should be a safe ONCE IN A LIFETIME CHOICE whether for a FAMILY, SINGLE or married couple...LOVE FOR ALL!!*****


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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Performance wise, this movie belongs to Johnny Depp and Freddie Highmore, who are able to recreate their chemistry from Finding Neverland. However, quote: "Depp's Wonka is far less cuddly than that of Gene Wilder, playing it more like a demented Mr. Rogers with more than a bit of a sadistic streak. The way that he watches the kids meet their fates with giddy glee is quite disturbing, but it's hard not to enjoy this quirky hermit's complete lack of social skills."-Edward Douglas, [...] (sorry, but the guy explianed it perfectly)Also, I'd like to clear this up out of my system before it does any more damage, but it seems A LOT of ....people are comparing Depp's Wonka w/ a certain pop star so much that it really just sickens me. This assessment can be contradicted however. First reason (and this came from no other than Depp himself): In an interview, Johnny said he had NO INTENTION whatsoever to base his character off of Micheal Jackson. Second reason: Willy Wonka is a recluse, so he's supposed to be strange, weird, crazy, whatever. I mean, the guy shunned himself from society for 15 years so he's going to be pale, out of style/trend, and a bit behind. Also, throughout the movie, we're shown flashbacks of Wonka's past that are used to explain his weirdness. There, end of story. Freddie Highmore's Charlie is more sad than the original one, so much that you'll want to hug him b/c he's so optimistic depsite living such an impoverished lifestyle. Another performance nod goes to Deep Roy, who plays all the Oompa-Loompas w/ such panache. Everyone else is respectable in their performances.
Now, aesthetically, this film is amazing; in fact, this is Burton's most visually striking film to date. He yet again creates such surreal and imaginative landscapes that it's just real eye candy to look at; the factory rooms being the prime example. Some of the wacky machinery used to create candy is just as impressive and actually looks like it could work. Yet, as w/ the original film, this film creates an atmosphere that could unnerve sensitive folks. The boat ride down the chocolate tunnel is not the acid trip that was the original, but rather like an intense roller coaster ride. Also, for those who have seen the original, the four kids who fall to their weaknesses (loosely speaking: gluttony, pride, avarice(that's greed) and sloth) and punished for not heeding warnings are a bit more dangerous (thanks to the evolution of filmmaking) and look fatal, but are not.
Also, another treat in this film is to hear composer Danny Elfman (who has composed pretty much all of Tim Burton's films to date save for Ed Wood, which was scored by Howard Shore) sing again. He sings all the Oompa-Loompa songs provided by the lyrics written in the book with such style that you can't help but tap your feet. For the record, he also sung in Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Well, I believe I covered over everything. Overall, real faithful adaptation that surpasses the original in practically every way (sorry, opinion). Also, the ending is different, both from the book and the original film; but still good. This is also Burton's best film next to Ed Wood and redeems him from his Planet of the Apes remake (what was he thinking w/ that?). Anyways, great film: just as wacky and twisted as you might expect but nonetheless wonderful to look at and as magical as the original.
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Lightweight version of "Willie Winkle and the Chocolate Factory"

Entertaining, inferior production values when compared to Gene Wilder's and Jack Albertson's effort in the previous version. Johnny Depp was witty, if a bit too talkative throughout. The kids got too bloated on chocolate which is not really complementary to fat children of today.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Burton, Depp do it again in Charlie & Chocolate Factory

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton team up again in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - a hilarious and wildly visual remake of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Just like any other Tim Burton movie, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory is fantastic to watch - great color, production and direction. And just like any other Johnny Depp movie, its very well acted.

Johnny Depp and Tim Burton got rave reviews for the movie which drove strong box office success nationally and abroad. Kids and parents alike will enjoy the movie - for different reasons. Either way, its a very fun and different twist on a classic movie... and I'm always up for a Depp / Burton combination:

"Wondrous....Charlie and the Chocolate Factory moves, like Dahl's original, in a straight line from one inspired set piece to the next..."
New York Times - A. O. Scott (07/15/2005)

"Tim Burton surrounds Depp with miraculous visuals of spun sugar and creeping menace. Their missionary lunacy is a treat for twisted children of all ages."
Rolling Stone - Peter Travers (07/28/2005)

"Depp deserves kudos for fashioning an original and outlandish if occasionally menacing character in CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY....[The film is] a marvel of rich, colorful design and flair."
USA Today - Claudia Puig (07/15/2005)
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Some Say This is a Dark Movie: I Say They used Lighting

This is an excellant remake of the movie. Johnny Depp does a wonderful job as Willy Wonka. This movie actually goes back into Wonka's childhood which gives us a new insight into the Wonka character.
Other people see this as a dark movie for children. I, on the other hand, do not find it dark. Unless you consider reality dark. Any good piece of work has to be dark to teach a lesson. Did we ever forget those bad children in the first movie and what happened to them? I didn't think so. This movie teaches a lesson which the world needs a little reminding now and again. This lesson is that family is important, loving and forgiving each other, and sticking together through the good and the bad. Let's not forget those nasty little children that won the golden tickets and what lessons are to be learned from their demoralizing attributes that they represent.
One difference from the first is that the scary boat ride that freaked me out as a child is not as creapy. It just looks like a cool water ride at any amusement park except for the chocoalte river.
I believe this 2005 movie is well worth watching even though you have the earlier Gene Wilder version memorized. Not to mention, the new computer graphics which have allowed the director to create a better chocolate factory than ever before. There is a lesson to be learned for young and old.
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Great Settings, Average Performance

The settings/locations were great but i think the performance is average. I love the Original movie, i watched it many times. The 2005 version, we bought it the day it was released on DVD, i fell asleep before the end of the movie so I have to re-watch it again and hopefully finish it. Love the Original version better, the musicals were excellent, more entertaining and fun. The musicals in the 2005 version is ittle weak. When the kids were eliminated one by one we were expecting to have each kid have there musicals, but we got frustrated that they were there and then they were gone and the musicals didnt happen only the workers. The workers is an image of one person multiplied by the hundreds.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Does Not TOP the Original!

The movie had just came to theaters and I think that my husband and I were more excited to go and watch it then our children were. I absolutley adore Johnny Depp as an actor, however, his performance as Willy Wonka was not what I thought it would be. He had a much more sinister demeanor than the original Willy Wonka. The movie was put together very well, and by this I mean the background and the whole entire environment that is the Chocolate Factory. The movie itself, however does not even hit close to having the "MAGIC" that the original had. My opinion is just merely one of many, but this is one movie that I figured I could do without owning in my DVD Cabinet and we did not purchase it last week when it was released. We do own the Original though and will continue watching it.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Tim Burton put a new spin on it and made it his own

I loved this movie! Of course, it had a lot to live up to but Tim Burton put a new spin on it and made it his own. Rather than just re-making the same movie, Burton added to the storyline, giving the viewer more insight into Willy Wonka himself and answering some questions that we had from the original.

Johnny Depp, like always, did a superb job. I have to admit I didn’t know how I felt about his take on Wonka from the previews, but he really pulled it off. He was funny and twisted, yet very relatable.

While I loved the extended story, I did not care as much for the oompa loompas; nor did I care for the lack of songs during the rest of the film. That aside, re-making such a great movie was a hard feat and I think Tim Burton did a great job at it.

NOTE: You can find Johnny Depp merchandise at my store ( you are interested.
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