4.74.7 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics95% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay94% stimmen zu

Good value95% stimmen zu

982 Rezensionen


Call of Duty 4 modern warfare

Call of Duty 4 (modern warfare) is a great FPS. Infinity Ward, the company that developed it is a solid company and they have had great success producing the Call of Duty series. I would say that this FPS ranks high amongst first person shooters, Call of Duty WAW, Unreal Tournament, Killzone 2(which is my favorite FPS). I actually have been a fan of third person shooters like Gears of War and stopped playing Gears 1 when COD 4 came out. I played Call of Duty 4 for about 3 months and then went back to Gears 1. I then played Call of Duty World at War for a short period of time and went back to Gears 2. Recently my friends have been playing COD 4 and so I bought a copy of it on ebay because i got rid of it about a year ago. Playing it now is still just as fun as when I played it over a year ago. Its a good game, its not EXCELLENT. But, I also bought it to get ready for the upcoming modern warfare 2 game comiong out this November.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Overhyped game.

In the year of 2008, there were many good games that were exaggerated. COD4 was one of them. COD4 is a great shooter, there's no doubt about that. The graphics, the mechanics, the controls were all superb.

What are the flaws to COD4 then? Well, although the multi player is excellent, the flaws are in the single player. The story for COD4 is decent, not spectacular. The game play for the single player is greatly flawed, but overall still decent.

One of the major flaws with the COD4 single player, was the enemy spawn locations. In COD4, enemies *WILL RANDOMLY SPAWN*. What do I mean by this? Well, I once rushed in and took a small barn. I checked every corner of the barn to make sure there were no enemies. Then, the second I turn around, an enemy pops out of nowhere and shoots me, from inside the barn.

Also, the more difficult modes in single player are ridiculous. Once you play 5 minutes of veteran, you'll know why. When you play veteran mode, you will die from about 2 bullets, so death is nearly inevitable. To make matters worst, the AI *WILL ONLY TARGET YOU*, even if you have 10 allies in front of you.

All in all, this is still a great game, multi player wise. Just know that the single player is overly hyped and almost all the gaming review sites who rate this 9.5/10 are just conforming with each other to keep readers/viewers.
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WHY its a great game...

CoD4 is a great first person shooter because it manages better than any other I've played,(and I have 171 titles)to capture the real essence of a battle. The graphics are stunning,(easily comparible to Gears of War or Assassin's Creed which are in my opinion at the top in visuals), The sound is authentic to real guns and is powerful and bassy so even Desert Eagle shots on a surround sound system seem impressive. But what's most important is the MULTIPLAYER! Well I used to prefer playing Rainbow Six Vegas because it was just more realistic than Halo 3. I understand that Halo 3 is supposed to be futuristic but I want REAL DEAL WAR. Well in CoD4 the team deathmatches are only 10 minutes long which is GREAT because on Rainbow Six they are usually 20. 20 Min is too long, the game after 10 can normally give u the idea of who's gunna win, so if ur not in the top 3 by then. you're really just wasting the next 10 min.(On top of that, only the WINNER gets a good amount of experience points, 2-last get the same. So basically you can join a match, not kill anyone, and get the same as 2nd. Kinda dumb. In CoD4 you get Exp based on all your individual and team accomplishments. Just like the Xbox360 Gamer Achievments, CoD4 has its OWN. You start from scratch with a basic couple guns, and get to earn red dot sights and scopes, and also customizable character "perks" like extra granades, RPG's, extra bullet power, bonus health, being able to shoot through most walls(which works great if people are hiding), radar jammers, and more. The Exp levels go up fairly quick so you'll earn good bonuses after only an hour or 2 of playing. The controls are very easy to use and customizable. How fast you can move your sight can be adjusted as well(very important! faster = better for you gamer rookies, how do you think everyone seems to get a jump on you and kill you b4 you can kill them?) All and all a great game. Well worth the 60 bucks, or the 42 plus 5 shipping BRAND NEW I picked up on EBAY Buy it NOW. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


call of duty 4 modern warfare

THIS GAME IS AWESOME! Call of duty is back, with call of duty 4 modern warfare. This game is great, the campaign is very good and has a good suprise ending, it's not too long but is very detailed and gives you an oppurtunity to try lots of cool weapons. The online experience is very very good. As you get more experience and rack up points you get promotions and rise through the ranks from a private to a general. Not only can you choose your class as either an assault,sniper,heavy assault,demolitions,or light assault but you can customize your class with silencers, red dots, scopes, new weapon upgrades and special gernades. As you get better you can also unlock cool perks that help you win games. The graphics are very good.
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Game Changing Call of Duty

I watched my brother play the 1st Call of Duty long before this release, but a month before the game came out I heard some friends talking about it; how it was going to change everything that Call of Duty was know for having custom classes, second chance, and a bunch of other new features. This hooked me instantly I hopped online and had to search for this game everyone was talking about; I was let down the game looked amazing it got me wanting to play Call of Duty again after being away from it for 2 titles. Then finally the game came out and of course day 1 I was on. It didn't let me down I played the game for years to come and still to this day is 1 of not just my favorite Call of Duties but 1 of my favorite game. From a very compelling campaign to a even more compelling multiplayer. It set the pace for Army based FPS for decades and will always be a beloved game in my heart.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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One Hell of a Ride!

I just got my copy of Call of duty can man this is one engrossing military FPS. Great visuals, Fantastic score and great pacing. the first mission is a little misleading squad are like super could just watch and they would finish the level for you but after that the training wheels fly off!!!! My advice to staying alive in single player is follow orders and listen for enemy'll need all the help you can get. If your not a FPS vet pick normal or easy or you'll fall prey to what will no doubt feel like cheap deaths that could be avoided by veterans of the grenre. For those who pick the last two difficulties get ready for enemies that flank and rain grenades on you. Not to mention flash bang you can close in for the kill! these guys pack rpgs and have no problem using them. get ready for a tough fight.

Presentation- Nice menus simple and to the point....maybe a little too simple. great mission briefings. Nice hud gives you all the info without the fluff.

Graphics- Great visiuals from gritty backstreets to russian contrysides. nice details like rpg trails to the plume of smoke from an explosion. Framerate keeps at a steady pace even with all the action going on .

Sound- The score is beautiful....moving, gets you in the action. Guns sound like they're supposed to with umph!. Top level of quality from evey bullet wiz to enemy chatter to com chatter...amazing job.

Gameplay- Everything feels and plays smooth. The controls are great I never had problems aiming and taking out an enemy. The autosave is a life saver. mutiplayer could have used more game type though.

Lasting Appeal- Fanastic singleplayer then throw in deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the bomb plus downloadable content in the future..well it makes for a bright long future for Call of Duty.

Overall- Its an amazing FPS that any 360 owner should look into buying, period.
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Amazing game... revolutionary

This game shatters ALL OTHER first person shooters out there. Call of Duty has reinvented itself as well as helping move the first person's genre along to a completely new level.

Call of Duty 4 IS the new revolution of gaming.

Story: 9/10
From the moment you first pop this game in you will be in for one wild roller coaster ride. The game is so in-depth, and so interesting it will keep you strapped to your seat for hours on end!! Between the diverse missions, different weapons, items, vehicles, and characters this story packs quite a punch!! The only criticism on this storyline is that its short.... very short. I beat it on one of the harder difficulties in less than three days.

Graphics: 10/10
For those who thought gears of war had the best, allow me to introduce the new king of next-gen graphics. EVERYTHING... and I mean everything is beautiful. The explosions, bullets, shock waves, grenades, characters, lighting, ground, sky, airplanes, and everything in between have never looked to so good on a console game until now. From silently stalking through the sniper mission to a high stake shootout in a tv broadcast building, this game will make you stop and admire what infinity ward has done for you. Bullets leave their mark and can now pass through walls and other obstacles. Rockets now leave realistic smoke trails and the sight of a helicopter spinning out of control is breath taking. You will find yourself so memorized by the graphics of the action and scenery that you might just have to re-start from the last checkpoint!!

Controls 10/10
The layout for the controls is the basic FPS layout... very easy to use and even customizable. The Right trigger is fire, the left trigger is the zoom on your sight, the y button switches weapons, the right bumper throws grenades. Your gear is managed using the d pad, with up being used for night vision, down for c4, right for claymores, and the left for your weapon attachments. Think halo controls with a few extras.

Sound 10/10
The most realistic bullets and explosions you will find next to being in a war yourself. This really feels/sounds like your at the shooting range firing off a few rounds. From the sound as you empty out your weapon, to bullets whizzing by you and taking out your comrades, this game is a master of the audio. If you plan on getting this game, GET A GOOD SURROUND SOUND SYSTEM. You will literally be blow away.

Multi-Player 10/10
Where to start with this? The multiplayer in COD4 is one (if not THE) best in a game to date. You think halo did multi player right? Well they did, but think Halo x10... It far surpasses Halo as the new benchmark for online FPS gaming.

As you earn kills, head shots, grenade kills, and other aspects your rank goes up and you earn new weapons and abilities. This unlocks rank, weapons, weapon attachments, camo, challenges, and a ton of other stuff. This leads me to my next criteria...

Weapons System 9/10
The weapons system is amazing!!! Tons of different primary weapons, sidearms, and specialties. There is a huge array of weapons from a light machine gun to a .50cal Sniper rifle. Attachments are very customizable in multilayer, although I wish the would have more available. Overall, you will not be disappointed with the weapon

Fun 10/10
Never have I had this much fun with a game. Storyline is great (although short as mentioned above) but the multilayer will keep you going for a long time!!! Great fun, great re-playability, GREAT GAME!!!
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This game in my opinion. Is the best multiplayer game available. Before continuing to talk about the multiplayer. Lets review the Campaign first.

It's like the others, you play through a few missions as a differant force. Marines, SAS, etc etc. The campaign is good, from what I played of it, I've heard it was short. I didn't finish the campaign yet. I'm up to the first mission as SAS in veteran difficulty. It seems like great fun so far. I've read other reviews complaining of the multiple grenades that will surround you. Which is true to an extent. It does get annoying, Especially when you have a good spot and you're eliminating enemies left and right then all off a sudden a grenade drops by you and well back to the checkpoint!. I really hate the fact the enemies have pin point precision as to where and when to throw grenades as well. The grenade warning isn't too useful at times, When you see it pop up you can run away from it, But most of the times it gets you no matter how far you've gotten away from it. Other than that the graphics are great. Good weapon choice and some really cool missions you get to go on. Everything from ground assault to air attacks, Its in the package. There is no co-op but hopefully they'll be offering that as downloadable content on live soon. Let's go on to the multiplayer.

Before I say the good things lets get the bad over with.

Cons: It tends to freeze a lot (Sometimes in campaign as well). Theres considerable lag during these times which you can completely unload 100 rounds from a saw into someone 3 feet away. And they're still alive!.

The freezing issue after further investigation through google, seems to be Infinity Ward having server issues, why would it freeze in campaign? Speculation is if you're signed into live when they're having problems it will also affect your campaing play. Which is stupid. But lets talk about the good things now.

Pros: The graphics in multiplayer are just as good as campaign, there is no downscaling from what I can tell. Leveling up enables you to unlock perks, weapons, and new challenges. The perks pretty much just give you an edge of advantage against lower ranks who've not yet gotten the chance to unlock these items. They range from, Increased bullet damage, To more health, steadier aiming and a ton more. Weapons are set to unlock at certian ranks. Differant sniper rifles, shotguns, light machine guns, assault rifles, and pistols (you get a desert eagle at lvl 54). All weapons have their up's and down's. It's a lot of fun playing with each weapon and trying to complete the challenges. Each challenge gives you more experience, every kill you get, gives you experience. You gain experience all the way to level 55 where you will continue to gain enought to entere prestige mode. Whats that?... Well basically once you enter prestige mode, Everything you've worked so hard to get, the challenges you've completed ALL GONE!. But the plus is you get a really cool insignia beside of your name to show what level of prestige you are (you can complete prestige levels up to 10). Some find it useless, But I find it makes the game more fun, gives it a lot of replay value that way. Some of the challenges are a bit tough if you're not a seasoned gamer, But spend enough time and you'll be knockin 'em out in no time.

My thoughts, This is the most amazing game available for the 360 right now. You're not going to beat the graphics/campaign/multiplayer. You get your moneys worth and more.
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Call of Duty 4 Review based on Gifted Gamer post

Play this game over and over again online, great game and high time/$ value since you can play it many months without getting tired of it unlike some games that are solved in a day and would be better off rented. Gifted Gamer who reviews kids games even likes this one for kids 12+ even though it is M rated. (source: The environments feature a ton of detail and the weapons sound and work realistically.

True strategy is needed to stay on top of the action and constantly come out on top. There is also a great collection of online tournaments and a very large base of players that own the game which will keep the online rooms hopping for several years despite newer releases of the game. Although it is multiplatform, an Xbox gamer cannot hookup with a PS3 gamer online since they are on different networks.

The single player mode is engaging and will help build the skills needed to dominate/rule/own in the multiplayer version. The game appeals to a wide demographic and a wide age range. In general it seems the younger players are better than the older adults, maybe they just have more practise....

I highly recommend this game for anyone interested in FPS (first person shooter) games and definitely recommend the PS3 online version (have heard the Xbox online version is also good).

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Call of Duty 4 : Too easy and quick to beat

The Call of Duty games are normally awesome, but this one wasn't as good as I expected it to be, unless you're playing it online, then it's very cool. If you're playing the campaign, it didn't have enough depth to it, or enough missions to make it take a while to beat. I had it beat in no time. Second, you can't really customize your character, or have much weapons selection. Again, the campaign mode goes by pretty fast, but the online play is great fun. Online play is probably the best way to get some bang for your buck out of this game.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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