3.53.5 von 5 Sternen
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2 Rezensionen


I Love Blues W Zacariah

Salve, per me è un onore scrivere una recensione! Bhè che dire un Cd magnifico come il suo artista, Un Blues, moderno e classico al tempo stesso,! Frizzante capace di emozionare, di farti stare bene. insomma il cd giusto per ogni giorno, Una grande Musica!.

Hi, for me is a honor to write a critique! That to say a magnificent Cd as his artist, A Blues, modern and classical at the same time! Fizzy able to excite, to make to be well you. in short the correct cd for every day, A great Music
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Very,Very disapointing cd.

A so-so cd.Someone should tell Zac Harmon that there is a big difference between soul music & blues music.

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