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125 Rezensionen


A Few Good Men DVD Movie

A Few Good Men movie is one of the best military courtroom dramas that I've seen. Tom Cruise was great as the defense lawyer for the two accused marines, but Jack Nicholson was absolutely fantastic in his role as the marine commander. Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson's courtroom scene was worthy of an Academy Award. Only the courtroom drama " Rules of Engagement with Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones's even comes close and it was a great movie also. I recommend this movie for those who enjoy watching good, highly charged military courtroom dramas.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: decluttr_store


A Few Good Men

When two marines are charged with murdering a member of their platoon during an unsanctioned disciplinary action in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the armed forces hire a lieutenant they believe is a lightweight defense attorney. Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) prides himself in having successfully plea-bargained every one of his 44 cases and would just as well make this one his 45th. However, ambitious internal affairs officer Lieutenant Commander Jo Ann Galloway (Demi Moore) smells a rat in the form of a hushed-up practice known as Code Red and, furious at Kaffee's halfhearted efforts, gets hired as the younger cadet's defender. Aided by Lt. Com. Galloway's prodding, Lt. Kaffee begins to realize the rottenness of the whole affair and sets to take on the whole Guantanamo Bay marine corps and its codes, a decision that makes inevitable a ferocious head-to-head showdown with an immovable force. Irascible Colonel Nathan Jessup (Jack Nicholson, in one of the most striking performances of his fabled career) heads the Cuban marine base and is on the cusp of appointment to the National Security Council. Jessup embodies both the necessity and the evil in necessary evil and does not take lightly to anyone questioning his or his corps' methods. Aaron Sorkin's script is adapted from his own gripping award-winning Broadway play and is skillfully brought to the screen by director Rob Reiner.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


A Few Good Men

I can't really touch this one. Let me just outline what I love about it.

I love first and foremost the plot. I am a sucker for courtroom drama, hence one of my favorite television programs being Law and Order. There's nothing better than thundering away at a witness on the stand or having things completely bomb out when there's a surprise you didn't anticipate and then how you rebound from that with something else. Some days I wish I had become a lawyer. But I think I'd rather just play one on TV. I also love the dialogue and interaction between characters. It's so quick and funny and charming all at the same time. You want to hang out with these people and listen to their banter.

I love Tom Cruise in this movie. He's so young, witty, charming, and above all he gets smart. He gets some guts and takes on the big challenges to do the right thing. It's brilliant and I couldn't imagine anyone else in the role. I also think Jack Nicholson is amazingly perfect in his role. No one else can speak the way he does. You just want to listen to him all day. You want to listen to him recite his grocery list as long as he adds something snappy to the end like, "You'll have to ask me nicely." He's such an imposing presence when he enters the courtroom with enough badges and honors that he should be leaning to the side with the weight. His monologues on the stand (and the entire rest of the movie) I have committed to memory. They should be printed on a poster or t-shirt. "Because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You NEED me on that wall! We use words like honor, code, loyalty. You use them as a punchline." Complete with that sneer of disdain.

Kevin Pollack does a great job as the sidekick/go-to guy and gives a great speech about how if he had to choose between his friend and his friend's father that he'd choose his friend "every day of the week and twice on Sunday" and gives him the boost to carry through to the end of the movie. Demi Moore is great when she's sparring with Daniel Caffy (Cruise) in the beginning of the movie and when she stands up to him. The rest of the time she's just ok. It's a well written part and a lot of actresses could have done it just as well.

And the music just inspires you to run out and do the right thing, lol. There's nothing better than the background when Caffy says, "You don't need a patch on your arm to have honor" and Dawson returns with a, "Ten-hut! There's an officer on deck." This movie had best actor and supporting actor nominations for Cruise and Nicholson but neither won. That's a shame. But I don't know what other movies were up in 1992, maybe they were very deserving. A Few Good Men gets an A+. It's an almost perfect movie.
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Recommed merchant as well! Will use again! Also. A Few Good Men is a great film based in part on actual circumstances! Worth a watch!

Great, based on several RL incidents. Great story and drama. Fine film! Recommed merchant as well! Will use again!
5 Stars!

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: decluttr_store


Great Classic

The only Tom Cruise movie I really like, & Jack Nicholson is the perfect actor for his role. Demi Moore is even good also. Plus, I enjoyed the special features insight into the making of this film. Rob Reiner, et al, did a great job!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: decluttr_store


I ordered a CODE RED!

First off what a great cast. Demi Moore, Tom Cruise, Jack Nickolson and Kevin Bacon. Not to mention a great supporting cast as well. This movie definately kept me on the edge of my seat but not like an action movie would but like a great drama or suspense. This will be a classic one day and in some circles already is. The reason I bought this movie was due in part to the starring cast and I Love Military dramas. Kevin Bacon and Tom cruise while still young were to me in their respective primes. This movie never gets old, unless you watch it everyday then it would. Great flick not many like it.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


"A Few Good Men" - an expose of the value of Military Integrity, Determination, Caliber, Credibility; Above & Beyond the abundance of civilian society

"A FEW GOOD MEN" is a special work of excellent acting. Great story. Quite revealing.

Special Features are very good. I especially appreciated:
"Exclusive Documentary: Code of Conduct".
Quite revealing on many levels.

Educational overall if unfamiliar with both the background and the primary actors/actress
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Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: jenantava


Strong performances throughout

A rousing courtroom drama with a military flavor. One of those movies that you can watch over and over, and enjoy every time. Strong, memorable performances (if a bit over-the-top in some cases) by an all-star cast (and star-to-be, in the case of a pre-"24" Kiefer Sutherland.) This was the movie that gave "You can't handle the truth!" to the world.

An especially nice touch: a performance of the Marine Corps Silent Drill team, which takes place behind the opening credits. Something that really grates on my nerves: the "Attention on Deck!... there's an officer present" line in the final scene, which is just so cheesy (which says a lot in this movie) that it ruins the end for me.
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Watched it multiple times--always impressed.

Engaging plot, great casting, dialog gets a little blue--that's realistic military, but otherwise intelligent and clever. Tom Cruise shines, as do Demi Moore and Jack Nicholson. Suspense throughout and justice in the end. All adds up to one of the great movies.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: decluttr_store


Military Drama

When two Marines are accused of killing a fellow soldier at Guantanamo base in Cuba, rookie navy attorney Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) and Lt. Com. JoAnne Galloway (Demi Moore) are assigned to defend them at the court martial back in Washington. Kaffee, a lazy hotshot, is inclined to plea out the case, but Galloway pushes him and co-counsel Lt. Sam Weinberg (Kevin Pollak) to dig deeper. This means questioning an array of officers played by Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland, J.T.Walsh, Christopher Guest, and eventually the intimidating base commander, Colonel Nathan Jessep (Jack Nicholson). The climactic confrontation between Kaffee and Jessup in the courtroom is justly celebrated. Long before he created "The West Wing" and "Sports Night," Aaron Sorkin wrote the play, then the screenplay, on which this somewhat slick and pat but still excellent and very moving 1992 film was based, under the direction of Rob Reiner.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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