4.74.7 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics100% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay94% stimmen zu

Good value100% stimmen zu

53 Rezensionen


It's like Minecraft meets Legend of Zelda.

This is the Legend of Zelda gameplay that you love--temples, bombs, boomerangs, fairies, Sages, and huge boss fights--all wrapped up in a pixelated package. You can create your own hero or choose from a selection of heroes others have made if you aren't so artistically inclined.

3D Dot Game Heroes is both fun and challenging, with mini games and quests to keep you busy. The script is punny and alludes to well-known video games from the current era and the characters are strange and memorable.

I would recommend this game whole-heartedly to anyone who is a fan of the classic Zelda games.
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Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: EBYJeSV5RGK@Del...


Unique, and also similar to a classic Nintendo series.

After seeing this game on a PS3 game buying guide, I decided to check it out. To put it into perspective, this game is similar to the classic Legend of Zelda games, with the gameplay and look being very similar to that on the older consoles. But, with a quirky cool way of making it look different by making the world 3D. Overall pretty fun for anybody who likes the Legend of Zelda series.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: ro.rsmm.s9zgpg


Fun Classic Rpg Action From.........From Software.....Get it!

If you liked The Legend Of Zelda and Dragon Quest with the customization of Dark Souls game then you will right at home with this Action Adventure.3D dot game heroes give you the freedom to explore and does not punish you for it unlike From Software's previous video games.
If you want something that will tickle your nostalgia bone from classic 8 bit games ( Man that word seems to keep Springing up ) then you owe it to yourself to try this game especially if you own a PlayStation 3.

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Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: neu | Verkauft von: dealtavern


3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3, English)

The game is not as great as everyone made it sound. The dungeons are fun, but the problem is the fact that the game is missing the heart and soul that Zelda has. There is no NPC character development at all, and it feels a bit like homework running errands and trying to make sure you've talked to everyone before going through to the next dungeon (the game doesn't lead you to it; it counts on your slavish re-exploring like in Nintendo days for you to stumble upon them). Don't get me wrong, I love exploring and re-exploring, but when there is something worth looking for. I don't want to waste a whole bunch of time just to hear a nameless, faceless, heartless NPC to talk about how much he likes another nameless NPC in the village. That was fun in the late 80's, early 90's, when we didn't know any better and got excited over every single new development or creative element. Link's Awakening had names for every village character (except animal village, but even they had character)...that was awesome! That alone adds a entire dimension of story that keeps me away from doing important stuff like work and school and instead glued to the television. As for chopping the chickens and making them attack you...well. I laughed out loud the first time I did it on Zelda...and my friends laughed with me when I showed them...15 years ago. Its like a stand-up comedian telling the "why did the chicken cross the road joke". Sure, everyone loves it, but it's OLD! So for story, even though the whole point was the same simple cheesy find-the-crystals-save-the-world as the older games, it fell substantially short because of the lack of substance. Consequently, I give story a 5/10.

Gameplay is good. The game moves quickly, the guy is easy to control (once you figure out the sword upgrades). Monsters are as satisfying to kill as ever. A nice feature was the ability to quickly change secondary weapons with L2 and R2. The added super fast random monsters that you need to corner was a great addition, adding an unexpected pulse quickening strategic battle. The fact that if you bump into a wall in the center of the room while dashing can actually recoil you into the previous room was a bit annoying. I would give gameplay a 7/10.

The music was good, but could be better. Nothing too original, touching, memorable or otherwise. I would give it a 7/10.

Graphics, I admit, were neat, but got old quickly. The single most important thing was the ability to change the camera view to your liking. The coolest parts were fire and water, and admittedly, bosses were impressive. Graphics get a 7/10.

Overall, the game is ((5+7+7+7)/4)/10 = 6.5/10. This is not a memorable game, and just like God of War III, might end up collecting dust, forgotten halfway through the story in a corner somewhere. I am trying to quickly beat it so I can sell it back. I should have waited for the price to drop, and recommend you doing so once pre-owned is a bit cheaper.
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3D Dot Heroes Old Zelda-ish fun but on the PS3!

I thought i'd wright a review about my most recent game i picked up.
3D DOT HEROES for the PS3.

The whole ideal behind 3D Dot Heroes is to make a old school action rpg similar to the old Zelda series.
And that it does very well while paying homage to many games from the past as well.
Whether through script referance, by in game characters or just a simple picture in a load screen.
It never takes itself very seriously.

You can pick one of many characters for the main character anything from a ninja, samuri, dragon, even a soccer player.. There are very many premade modles to choose from.
You can even make your own if you want.

Now there of course are some differences like your sword has massive reach, there are a few different classes to play (heroes, nobles, magic users just to name a few.
But beyond that the game is very much like a zelda (link to the past) you fight in real time slashing your sword or casting magic spells.

All the things you would think to be in an old zelda game are there, Bombs to blow up hidden passages & monsters, a boomerang to hit levers & stun monsters, puzzles to solve to get to the next dungeon room, Boots to let you dash across the screen, a grapling hook to pull you across to areas you can't walk to, a bow for damage from a distance, empty bottles to be filled with health & magic potions, health pieces (4 make 1 full health)...
Yes you go from dungeon to dungeon fighting monsters, solving puzzles in order to get to the dungeon Boss
Beating the boss enables you to collect the dungeons Orb. (no not Tri force..its not zelda. Its an Orb al la the 1st FF homage.)

There are also a few cool mini games that you can play within the game theres a tower defence game, a racing game where you much use your charge boots to run through a course as fast as you can & a break out game similar to archinoid.
All the mini games are optional but give you a little something for the main game.

Being a big fan of the old zelda games i have been plesantly suprised at how good this game is.

The game has 4 different camera settings 3 of the 4 are great & provide a nice playable view the other is just to get up close to the character for pictures that the game has an option for.
The graphics look a bit odd (*kinda lego zelda-ish) but are stylised to give it a kind of retro look.
Its not a super HD title like most PS3 titles comming out these days but it works well & has a filter to turn off the separate *blocks that cover most everything (land buildings) if you prefer.

Now i know all zelda fans may not find the game acceptable but in todays 3D zelda age this is far closer to the play style & feel of The old zelda games than the newer zelda games are.
Nothing against the new Z titles but thoes are not what this game is pushing.

At a low retail price of 39.99 this game makes you wonder why it didnt come out sooner.
You can probably get it new & of course used here on eBay cheaper for an even better deal.

All i can say is "it plays so much like link to the past its great but don't expect a real zelda game"
Its a cool knock off with a few twists!
Even for the suggested retail price its a bargain.

A new blast of the past for a great price I highly recommend this game.
The game is Rated E for everyone
The violence level is low & there is no blood.
Its Kid Safe & fun for all ages.

Thanks for your time!!
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Retro style game takes me back old school

3D Dot Hereos is very much like the original Zelda game on the NES. I have enjoyed playing this game for its old retro like qualities and the new effects of modern day as well.

There are several swords you can use and upgrade and some special weapons available as well. The classic boomerang, bow and bombs from Zelda with some new twists to them. I enjoyed this game for what it is. Simple and to the point, but there is quite a bit of secrets to it as well that make it fun to keep playing.

I give it 4 stars for "originality" and I hope to see sequels to this game later.
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It's a niche title, but man it's a good one.

The first thing to note about 3DDGH (henceforth re-abbreviated 3D) is that it is a nostalgic trip. If you love the games of yesteryear, mainly 2D Legend of Zelda games, then 3D is up your alley. There's no two ways around it, this is a niche title. It's not the type of game that will sell millions of copies. But if you fit the narrow audience, you'll really enjoy yourself. Now then.

Story - 7/10. Old cliche story. You have a fairy sidekick, you're off to save the kingdom from someone who possesses an evil orb. All of this is unoriginal, but that's okay. It's the spirit of the game, and for it to have a terribly unique or different story would feel bizarre.

Graphics - 9/10. The graphics is one of my favorite parts of 3D. Everything is composed of large “pixels,” giving everything an old school or LEGO look. This is where the whole “niche title” comes into play. If you're remembering the days of the NES, it looks old school. If you're not, it looks like LEGO Zelda. Figures end up looking good, and there are some fancy water/lighting effects that update the appearance nicely.

Gameplay - 9.5/10. It plays like Legend of Zelda. You have a sword and a shield, later on you gain a boomerang, hookshot, bombs and a bow. You go around slashing anything around you, making your way through dungeons with switches, keys and little puzzles to eventually save the kingdom. One interesting thing about the gameplay is that your sword is enormous when you have full health, but is reduced to a normal-sized sword the second you take a hit. It's worth noting that the giant sword does not make this game easy. Rather, this game gets pretty tricky, and maintaining full health is quite a task. Of course, there are also plenty of little sidequests you can do, helping people around the kingdom, as well as a couple minigames (a racing game, a tower defense game, and a breakout game). All in all it's the type of gameplay you would expect, and I have no complaints.

Replayability - 8/10. 3D comes with this generation's favorite way to extend playtime - New Game+. Once you beat the game you can start a new game on the newly-unlocked From difficulty (the Japanese publisher is From Software), and play through again, retaining your money and some trinkets from your first playthrough. Additionally there is a fancy “Spelunker” mode, which is the same innate difficulty as normal mode, but you die after one hit, which is no joke. Plus all the sidequests and everything to explore around the kingdom of Dotnia give this game a fair amount to do besides saving the world. One more thing to mention: there's a character editor. I personally haven't fooled around with it much, but you can make your own sprite from those lovely blocks. You can/should make sprites for various different positions (from behind, from the side, from the front, when picking up an item, when moving, etc.), but it's fairly good for making your own blocky character, and adds another layer of enjoyment if you're into it. You can also share and download other people's sprites if your'e uncreative like I am.

Overall - 9/10. Let's be honest. 3D Dot Game Heroes does not offer us anything new, innovative, or unexpected. Everything from the general layout of the game to specific interactions with NPCs is lifted from a variety of games from the days of 8-bit and 16-bit games. However, if you find yourself missing those days, or just want a fun adventure game, 3D is definitely worth picking up.
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This is the closest to The Legend of Zelda game I could find. Very similar as to the missions and small area of view. Lots of reading between missions. I’m not a fan of the blurred vision around everything except your character. Still loads of time consuming fun. Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: wulfud


An awesome shout out to retro games

I have not gotten too far in this game so far. I have only gotten past the first two temples but so far I love it. I might as well be playing the original Zelda for NES but with smoother controls and better looking scenery. I you are a fan of 2D Zelda games or pretty much any retro action RPG then you will love this game. There are tons of parts in this game that are either hinting towards a certain game or are going a little further than just hinting and throwing in the same exact thing. It is a very fun game. I highly recommend this to anyone one is a fan or retro games.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


50-50 split.

The game is fun. I will say this right now. However, it doesn't seem to hold up all that good compared to it's peers. It's almost a customizable adventure, but it's almost a compelling game. I don't know, I didn't get any committed vibes from this one.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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