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Good value100% stimmen zu

Entertaining100% stimmen zu

Engaging characters100% stimmen zu

260 Rezensionen


Excellent Start

24's first season was one of its best, introducing and developingsome of the show's most memorable characters, all while keeping viewers guessing about their intentions. The basis of the plot, that someone intends to assassinate a black presidential candidate on the day of the California primary, was a more imaginative premise than the "terrorist threat of the day" basis of later seasons. The plot takes some interesting twists and eventually different parts of the puzzle start to connect, but discussion of the story is best left to those who've already seen the season.

What was best about this season was the characters. No later season paralleled season one in terms of interesting, developed characters. From the ruthless villain, Gaines, to CTU agents like Tony and Mason whose motives and loyalty to Jack are unclear, this season did the best character work of the series. Even lead actor Kiefer Sutherland made the most of Jack Bauer this season. The cold, emotionless Jack of later seasons is far less compelling than the fragmented, almost fragile Jack from season one. Also worthy of mention is Dennis Haysbert as David Palmer, the morally irreproachable presidential candidate who has to deal with the simultaneous pressures of his family, his campaign, and the attempts on his life.

Overall this is a fine introduction to 24, and the characters really make the story. Developed, personal, and each carrying a past, they do a fantastic job of driving the plot forward, and the actors really pull off the scenes in which their characters turn out to not to be what they seem. No other season of 24, with the possible exception of season two, kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more as much as this one.
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Most amazing season I've watched so far.

The inclusion of the alternate ending was most appreciated, however I am aware of the fact that UK VHS releases had more content in certain episodes that aren't included in the US version. Strange.>
24's First Season is regarded by many to be the gold standard for 24, and it amazes me how the lead characters (Kiefer Sutherland and Carlos Bernard primarily) have kept a constant performance from the beginning of 24 to its current season. Moreover, the quality of this season, for it being the uncertain first season of any show is amazing. Powerful storytelling, well-done cliche's (not an easy thing to pull off), and 24's greatest quality - character development. It has certainly stood the test of time almost a decade later.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


24 (Twenty Four) Season One

This is a great show. Kiefer Sutherland is Jack Bauer a agent in the Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU). Each season, a new day with new terrorist plots, each episode, one hour closer to discovering what the terrorist are up to, and only one man, one agency can stop them..... Sound good? BUY THE SEASONS. I just have to warn you it is very addictive cause it is a terrific show. In this season Jack has to stop the assassination of a presidential candidate and find his kidnapped daughter. What will the next 24 hours hold?Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Can't Stop Watching!

The writing, acting and directing is second to no other show on Network television. In fact, this is a show on a par with HBO dramas like The Sopranos, The Wire and Six Feet Under.

I've never been a big Kiefer Sutherland fan in the past but he's terrific in the role of Jack Bower, Director of the Counter Terrorism Unit. Surrounding cast members are also great.

I don't know what's going to happen (thankfully, no one tipped me off) so I'm on the edge of my seat every episode. Interestingly, even though my wife knows what's going to happen, she's still on the edge of her seat watching! I'm lamenting what life will be like after I've watched all the episodes.
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Once you become addicted , quitting smoking is easier!!

Once you become addicted, quitting smoking is easier than breaking the 24 habit. It get’s in your veins, your heart starts pumping, you don’t sleep for day’s, and your neighbors start to worry about you because you haven’t left the house in day’s ,you don’t answer the phone … and then you finish the series .. Ok I’m good for another year.

24 is the most riveting, intense TV series I've ever experienced. The very timeline of this series put’s a refreshing twist like no other, with everything in real time this storyline comes at you in numerous directions and ties it all together brilliantly. I couldn’t be more on the edge of my seat if I were sitting on a razor while watching this show.
I actually will not watch an episode on TV and wait until the Season DVD has been released for the mere fact that I can not wait a week to see what happens next. When a new season is released on DVD in stores, I’m like a child the night before Christmas.I finished watching season 4 in January and I'm starting to get the itch for 5.
Kiefer Sutherland has taken Jack Bowers role to new-found heights with every new season.
I will warn you that after experiencing this show, others just don’t hold a candle and you have become a 24 junkie waiting for next week’s episode or running to the store for a seasonal DVD release.
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Season on is Just the Beginning. Jack is introduced and from there, you are hooked. As an Adult, this is an awesome series, but beware that children are not exposed to this. It is pretty rough at times.
With frequent gunplay, hand-to-hand combat, explosions, high-speed chases, double-crosses, deception, and some sexual content, again 24 is definitely not for kids. Some teens may be able to handle the violence, but while Jack is the good guy in the show, he isn't a role model by any means. With its breathless pace, moral dilemmas galore, and an innovative format, 24 is one of the most exciting shows for adults on television today. (A word of warning: 24 is expressly designed to be addictive, so if parents don't want their teens watching all 24 episodes, they probably shouldn't let them watch one.)
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Incredible show on Fox Network.

I don't remember when I started watching 24, but I have been hooked. I love me some Jack Bauer. I love the role that he plays and nothing stops him on that show. On Monday nights, I don't schedule anything just to watch this show. I don't take phone calls from anyone. My brother leaves in New Orleans and every commercial break I call him to comment on what just happened. I am planning to start buying the collection of DVDs from season one and on. Great show and fantastic characters. I talk to the televesion when something is about to happen to Jack. He is the man and he soon will be my husband (ha ha).Vollständige Rezension lesen...


24 The series: Season One

This is the first season of the hit show from the Fox network. Every single episode leaves you wanting to watch the next. The surprise ending of this season is what sets the pace for the rest of the series. Also, it explains the attitude and actions of the lead character, Jack Bauer, for the entire series.
There is nothing to dislike about this season. All of the characters are well written, thought out, and acted from my point of view.
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More Riveting - More Compelling than any Major Film!!

24 is an action packed mini movie that has terroistic threat that must be dealt with by the CTU(Counter Terrorism Unit) in one 24-hour period per season; each episode is one hour in that 24-hour period. Each season has been able to become more intrigueing and exciting than the one before! Do you like sitting on the edge of your seat? Do you have want to have to remind yourself to breathe? Do you, like most Americans, need a hero? Then you will love 24!
My husband, son, and I could hardly wait for it to come out on DVD and watch every action packed episode. We became hard-core 24 Addicts after stumbling onto the show on Fox during season 4, aired in 2005. There was so much action, so much intrique, such incredible special effects, intense character development, and yes, that is what we saw in only one episode! We ran, not walked to the video rental store and began watching the series on DVD. Our family quickly developed a routine of having 24 "watching parties" every weekend to watch 8 or 12 episodes at once, with Jack Bauer the guest of honor! I never can get enough of the show's movie-scale set and exciting, intense action.
The interpersonal relationships are so thoroughly explored, all the while these unseen heros of our great nation are saving lives, the country, and the world in fresh and unpredictable ways, and often at their own personal expense. The characters will inspire you, enrage you, sadden you, and cause you to rejoice all in one episode! Watching one episode of 24 is like eating a Lay's potato chip: YOU CAN''T HAVE JUST ONE! Watching the show on DVD is the ultimate way to experience the ticking clock; the evolving and resolving of monumental terroist threat all in one 24 hour period! How amazing is that?
And as if the excitement of each episode is not enough, we even created a game at each spot in the DVD made for the commercial break whereby the show fades to the clock ticking; after a few seconds the ticking clock is shown again with a period of lapsed time; meanwhile all three of us (and any friends also present) try to guess the seconds that will be shown on the clock when the show fadse back in. Of course, we all have a 1/60 chance of guessing it correctly; and the excitement and tension of the episode seems to carry into our little game making it tremendous fun! By the way, my husband is the reigning 24 clock champ with having guessed correctly 14 times in the watching of all four seasons! Try it with your family as you watch, it really is fun!

The clock is ticking ... get your hands on the complete DVD set with special features and commentary! It's time you got excited about something, and this is it! Once you have watched this drama in real time, everything else is just fantasy!
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This DVD is not for the faint of heart! I loved it!

My husband and I were johnny-come-lately's to the 24 mania. We saw it for the first time this past season - and boy did we get hooked! So, I ordered season 1 so we could start at the beginning and find out what poor Jack has been going through these last several years since the show began.

The DVD has 24 episodes and the best part is that you don't have to wait a week to watch the next episode! It's commercial-free too. We started out watching one at a time, then two at a time, we just couldn't stop watching this show! By the time there were only four episodes left, we spent a Saturday night watching all 4, had to see how things were going to end.

It's a fast-paced action thriller, full of good guys, bad guys and guys (and gals) you're just not sure about. It makes your heart beat and glues you to your seat. If you're squeamish about violent scenes, you may not enjoy this as much as I did. The show's writers are brilliant, the acting is phenomenal, and the videography is exciting.

I highly recommend this DVD set!
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