4.44.4 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics94% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay93% stimmen zu

Good value100% stimmen zu

56 Rezensionen


Eh.... It's ok.

It's nice to be able to play a new game on a relatively low-end computer. The graphics for SW:EaW are not too demanding. That said, when I uprgaded my PC, and the graphics were not impressive when turned to High. This is 2006...c'mon, let's see something a bit more impressive, please.

The space battles rock. They are a TON of fun, offering a variety of ships and cruisers that each contribute differently to the battle. The zoom option is alot of fun and really makes you feel like you're in one of the Star Wars movies. The ability to target a large ship's shield generator or laser cannons with your Tie Fighters or X-Wings makes micromanagement a blast. Literally.

The ground battles are garbage. If you have played any amount of RTSs, you will know that these ground battles are pretty boring. Yes, you do have heroes, and yes, they should be able to kick some major butt. BUT, Vader can pretty much take out an entire army and beat any single player mission single handed. Personally, I enjoy resource collecting and/or hunkering down and building walls and turrets, but this games does not allow you to build anything other than anti-vehicle/unit turrets or medical bays (in pre-determined spots). Boring. I want upgrade shops and unit producing barracks wherever I want.... True, there are reinforcements available, but only a certain amount per planet and they can only be dropped off in designated areas. Lame. If I want an AT-AT drop, I want it to be in the center of the battle, not 20 miles away, where is has to lumber to the fight...

Also, in both space and ground battles, if you learn what to kill in the correct order, the action gets really repetitive and predictable. "Go for this type ship first, then that type ship next, then that ship last...you win...." Over and over. Same for ground battles.

Overall, planet capturing management is pretty fun. Plotting what planet to attack next and which planets need to be defended is both strategically challenging and involving. Yet, managing what planet produces what is pretty basic. The number of buildings and spacestations per planet is limited. You'll soon wish that each planet could hold as many buildings as you want.

Overall. A fun game. Worth playing, for sure. Too bad people can't "rent" PC games, because I think this would be a good one to sit down, play, beat, and return.

Great for beginners.

Good enough for a casual RTS player.

Boring for a veteran strategy player.

Lucas arts at its best: Mediocre...
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Star Wars: Empire At War (PC)

I picked this up opening night. I must say I'm very happy to see that someone has finally decided to create a "worth while" RTS for the SW franchise. It's been a long time coming and to my delight, the product is quite nice.

I'm still getting the hang of how things work but I'm already impressed with some things I've not seen before in an RTS. Of course, that said, the last RTS I played was most likely Red Alert (lol). Anyway, the movie mode is kewl allowing you to view your battles and other activities from a cinimatic point of view. The galactic map makes organization much easier and overall, the game is quite attractive. I especially like fact that you can zoom all the way in on the action... don't have to hover above it from afar.

Anyway, now that I spend more time on the PC than the XBOX, it was a no brainer when it came to buying this.

BTW - Don't spend your $10 extra on the Collector's edition. 4 wallpapers/2 screensavers, and some concept art was all I got for mines! What a waste.

Peace Guys!
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Star Wars Empire at War :The Empire is Upon You

May the force be with you, Because your going to need it when it comes to playing Star Wars: Empire at War. It's not your standard real time strategy game, however it is doing it best to stand out as a pioneer. It's always to good to have a game that can pull you back it to the world of "Star Wars." Empire, Rebel, Obi Wan, Luke skyway Walker and Han Solo, Lea are always great. Plus it is good to see Admiral Ackbar as well.
Empires at War seems to throw the rule book away when it came to make the game. But some objective in the game are unclear. Taking key locations seem to have no real point or affect the out come of the battle durning the game. Taking the power station or sheild genterator might just open the planet out for a space bombardment, but I'm not complete sure. They let that out of the manul. There just a point to be taken. However it is a notable difference from Rebellion and the super Micro management that wasn't like by many.
One of the strategic point is good in the game is destroying build. They [lay a key point in battle in the game. Destroying them helps a lot in game. Extra help from planet local occupants help. Gungans and Ewoks are more than cannon flounder.
Empire at war take time. When I say time I mean hours of it. Campaign Mode is so, so, but soon you learn how to play the AI isn't much fun. Online games take a long time. And if your ooppent gives up of disconnect it makes it a big waste of time, especial if you looking for them most of the time. Interface management is sort of bad. You will get lost in were certain key units are at and what planet the factory is on. Guessing where Han or Luke is. Where in Blue Blazes in my main assault ship. To many stacks, I'm going out of my mind. A little more time building the interface would have helped a lot.
Building mines and mining for minerals is a source of income. That "so original." Mining system on some planet do great why others do less than average. No idea why and no idea how to improve it. There is way to find info on the mine, but it is a lot of pointing and clicking and being lucky if you can even find the beeping little droid to click on. Keep a piece of paper near by so you can write much need hits down. Usual you wouldn't need the manual that comes with the game for anything. However here you do because every thing isn't listed in the game for one. The bonus that each planet has for owning it. The interface work well once you are forced to come to terms that you have no choice but to deal with it. One of the great things are eh space battles. And just like the movies, big pace battles lead to the decisive victories and losses. But you will still have a chance as you go and hide and work on the development of new technology, build Star Bases. Which leads to a lot of defensive playing as hopeful you can plan an assault before the enemy does. But it come to a time when that both side can afford to buy just about everything they want and each side is just throw fleet of battleships and fighters, X- wings and Bombers at one another, however that just means more tedious managing for you. A lot of managing. It's easy to get lot in it. Who knew it was this tough ti run and Empire or a Rebellion

Maybe we could have been saved from this tediousness if it was more of a turn base game and we were lead on a linear track in the campaign mode. But over all it one of the games in Which Lacus Arts Dared to be different. Dare to make a change.
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I loved playing this game. It's probably more fun on the space based rather than the ground based, but it is still fun to play. It has decent graphics considering the time it was released. Probably not as good as Battlerfield or some other first person shooter, but still not too bad. Good time killer.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: roberfrad-0


Good But

I love Strategy and 1st person role play BUT... George Lucas or who ever over sees his LucasArts Divisions game development needs to put together a program designed by Pandemic utilizing the Galactic feel of Petroglyph. BATTLEZONE II BY PANDEMIC SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE GUIDING LIGHT FOR BOTH STRATEGY AND 1ST PERSON ROLE PLAY FOR LUCASARTS!!! Being an owner of almost all Lucasarts Game they keep disappointing me always close but never on the MARK! Maybe someday the game designers will be allowed to create a truly total gaming experience.

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Good strategy game..

They're many RTS game that change the world of game,Empire at War doesn't enter in this category,but it's a pretty good one...
The goal of the game is to take control of the entire galaxy,taking planet after planet to the ennemy hand,build defense,build fleet on land and even in space,recruit special unit like mercenary or bounty hunter like Bobba Fet...
Each faction have their own kind of weapons and defense system.
One thing thats cool is in exemple,you're attacked by the empire fleet on planet Tatooine,uhuh and so?Well you can use the planet defense ion cannon you build to destroy the strongest capital empire ship shield and order your x-wing to finish the large vessel and take advantage of the situation to destroy the ennemy fleet while the confusion still go on and before they regroup,that's awesome,and even Lord Vader couldnt see this coming!There many way to play and many way to win...
Find your's!

Il y a beaucoup de jeux video qui ont revolutionner ce monde des virtuel,Empire at War ne rentre pas dans cette catégorie,mais c'est un fichu bon.
Le but du jeu est de prendre control de la galaxie,arracher un par un les planetes des griffe ennemis en construisant vos propres flottes sur terre comme dans l'espace,construire vos defense planetaire,et dans vos situations les plus pénible engager des mercenaires ou des chasseur de primes comme Bobba Fet.
Chacune des deux factions a leur propres arsenal et leur propres technologies.
Une chose qui est bien,c'est un exemple des nombreuses stratégies;Vous etes attaquer sur la planete Tatooine,oui et alors?Vous pouvez utiliser vos defense planétaire pour completement détruire le bouclier du vaisseau amiral,envoyer vos chasseur x-wing et utiliser la confusion pour détruire la flotte ennemis avant qu'ils se regrouppent et reforme une stratégie..Meme Darth Vador ne l'aurait pas vu venir!Une autre chose qui est bien;on peut assigner a chaque flotte un commandant sur terre ou dans l'espace afin de maximiser les attaques.Il y a beaucoup de chose a dire sur ce jeu,beaucoup de facon de jouer et de gagner.
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Jeux en reseaux
Online game
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Impressive and Fun

About 3 years ago I was a real RTS connoiseur, but now my 10 year old is the one playing them most of the time. This copy I bought for him because we saw the promos and thought it looked really good. Having watched it over his shoulder for a while now, and having seen quite a lot of promos for Battle for Middle Earth II I would say it probably isn't as fun as BforME II but it is really a well developed game. Graphics are pretty dang decent. There are a lot of space battles and the environment is fully developed in dialogue and story line, etc--somewhat startrekesque in regards to the display--looks like a computer representation of dust fields, etc., as possible hazards to avoid with Lt. Data at the console directing you--only it's one of the Imperial Commanders guiding you through. Ground play is also pretty intersting.

I would have no hesitation buying this game again.
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Amazing game.

You do not need a amazing PC to play this game. Which is a big bonus and not only that, but the gameplay is great as well. You can get lost in the game for hours. Would definitely recommended.

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: rlgilchrist411


Empire at War (PC Games)

With some excellent graphics, this version of the Star Wars saga takes the player to a different place-where they are in command of the storyline. The player can choose which side on which to play by building up their forces in battles on land and in space. This can be a single- or multi-player game and can be played on line. A great way to visit other worlds and to indulge in the Star Wars images without being stuck to a known plot.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Forgot where I lived

Well this game was awesome if you understood the dynamics of the game. There is always a lot going on and you are given lots of options of where to take the game. I didn't even play online, nor do I ever, but I'm sure that adds to its experience. I found myself engrossed in the game, probably to much, trying to figure out the best strategy and who and what to keep on each planet and so on. There is just a lot to be involved with in the game and flows well. Graphics and sound are incredible. If you like star wars and strategy games you should love this game. Its worth a try if you've gotten as far as reading review guides.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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