4.74.7 von 5 Sternen
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Good graphics98% stimmen zu

Compelling gameplay98% stimmen zu

Good value95% stimmen zu

121 Rezensionen


Game Cube Four Swords Adventures

I'm I supposed to be reviewing how I feel about the product itself or the state I got it in? While this is not my favorite entry in "The Legend Of Zelda" series, it is an improvement over the multiplayer of the Game Boy Advance multiplayer Zelda. The Game Cube obviously is not as portable as the Game Boy Advance and multiplayer still requires multiple systems, the ability for player one to immediately gather the other players, and the shadow battle mode are welcome additions. The 'campaign' is more story heavy this time, which may make it less appealing to players who want to get right too and continually cause havoc, but aren't interested in competing against their friends, but the fact the campaign can be played by just one player means Four Swords Adventures can do more than collect dust when there is no else around to play with. How well that single player stacks up to "A Link To The Past" is a matter of debate, it is undeniably a very different experience, but if you have already played "A Link To The Past" and don't want to buy it again just for multiplayer 'Zelda' then that cements Four Swords Adventures as the superior purchase over its predecessor. On that topic, my copy works just fine. The only things lacking are the original packaging and instruction manual, but the game is easy enough to appreciate and figure out even with those lacking.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: nicks09


Overall, a great game.

I like this game. It's very similar to the the game Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for the Super fact, it's pretty much rendered using the same type of graphics. But don't let that fool you. The graphics are better than the SNES, but not by far.

The game play is good and tough. I needed to use a walk-through to get through some of the challenges, which makes it a good puzzle game, as well as an action adventure/RPG.

My only 'complaint' is the controls. You need to be able to switch between formations real quickly, but sometimes that can lead to problems. Such as getting stuck between obstacles, or even falling off a platform while attempting to change your formation. This can lead to getting hit by an enemy or injured, and if you are low on hearts then this can mean death. With practice though, you will get the hang of it.

I especially like the sfx taken directly from the Wind Waker game because Wind Waker is my most favorite game of all time.

I give it a 4.5 out of 5.
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cant decide 4 or 5 stars, but interesting twist on series and fun

this game is particularly interesting, as being four links, first off, but also that you don't play in an overworld as you do in the other zeldas. you actually play in levels, like, one of the maidens hat you must rescue requires you to pass 2 stages, i believe, to get to the temple. although this is the case, it still almost seems like you are playing in an overworld. there are village in the levels, and you must get past tasks and obstacles to move forward through the villages and fields etc. even as it is different from other zeldas, it still has that zelda feel to it, so its not as if its a completely different game from the series. puzzles require you to use your mind, and since you are only able to carry one secondary item at a time (the primary being your sword of course) that also puts an interesting take on the gameplay and makes things a bit harder. personally i like this game, alot, and i really should get around to it more often, and i wish i could. i can imagine that if you love the zelda series you will probably enjoy this game as much as i do.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Great multiplayer game.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is a great mulitplayer Zelda game that you and your friends will have fun playing. There are a few down sides. Unlike other Zelda games, the storyline is linear and forces you in one direction, it also lacks an overworld. Also, the multiplayer requires that each player have a Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Advance to Gamecube link cable which can make it pretty hard to actually find anyone to play the game with. That is a shame because the single player mode (which can be played with the Gamecube controller) while it is fun and challenging, isn't nearly as fun as it is playing with friends. So, if you can get 2-4 other people who have a GBA and GBA to GCN link cable to play then definately get this game. If you'll be playing it solo, then you might want to think about it a little more. It's still fun by yourself but it was designed with multiple players in mind.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Excellent gift idea!

This game is extremely fun. It is one of the few games that utilized the GameBoy/Gamecube linkage feature, and it truly uses it to great effect. Being able to play with your friends on TV, yet at the same time being in your own world on the GameBoy is a truly astounding feat. It is a shame that Nintendo never continued the feature in future games. But even so, this game makes dropping the cash required to obtain 4 link cables and four GBA systems more than worth it. 20 years from now, the world will look back with fondness on the game that introduced the revolutionary handheld-to-console linkage technology. This game is definitely worth just about any price.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


A good game but didn't have any gameboys to join in.

This game was an easy one to beat, and it goes a little quicker than most Zeldas. I liked the cartoon child-like graphics and the fact it was created to look and sound somewhat like Super Nintendo's Zelda. I didn't have any gameboys to hook up this game so I didn't get the full enjoyment out of it as I could and would of liked to. I did like playing it but not as much as Wind Waker or any of the 64's games (maybe because of no Gameboys). At times I did find getting around to be a little different with four of me attatched to just one player...but I managed and got used to it. Not my favorite Zelda but still a really good game. Plus, the fact it was easy didn't leave you feeling frustrated all the time.Vollständige Rezension lesen...


Fabulous Multiplayer Game

Zelda Four Swords Adventures is a very fun multiplayer game. It's one of the few multiplayer RPGs. The game has a great replay value too. Because the game is also a "platform" game you can replay your favorite levels again. The only thing that it lacks is that it is pretty easy and virtually no story line, but other than that it's outstanding!Vollständige Rezension lesen...


A fun Zelda entry

This is a fun game. It’s different from the main titles in the series. This is level by level with focus on puzzle solving and fighting rather than exploration. Great nostalgia value as it imitates the SNES, A Link to the Past game, in graphics and gameplay. Unfortunately you can’t do multiplayer without a GameBoy Advance and the link cable to connect to your GameCube. Again, fun Zelda game overall!Vollständige Rezension lesen...

Bestätigter Kauf:  Ja | Artikelzustand: gebraucht | Verkauft von: deez-nutty-deals


Four Swords with Three Friends for More fun.

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures is a highly polished and perfected game. It doesn't focus on eye popping visuals or next-gen graphics. The point of the game is fun. It's what Nintendo is best at. This is a true Zelda game full of all the baddies, items, weapons, sounds, characters, and settings that you would be familiar with if you played another Zelda title before. It looks like a graphically superior Game Boy Advance game, with little touches of special visuals all around. This is by no means a detractor, but when you play multiplayer and the screen is swarming with enemies, you'll appreciate its uncluttered simplicity.

This game is best played with three other friends that own Game Boy Advances. When all linked up, it improves the gaming experience. You use the GBA for control, and there are times when only you can see what your player is doing because it's shown of the GBA screen. It's pretty cool since there is a competitive element to the game. You'll hear your friends say, "Hey! Where'd you go?" Only to find you in some secret cave filling your bag full of gems. You of course have to co-operate to complete a level, but it's a lot of fun to pick up and throw your buddies avatar and use him as a weapon.

Yes, there is a single player portion of the game, and you can play without a Game Boy Advance. It's fun, don't get me wrong. You won't miss out if you don't have a GBA, I just highly recommend it.

There are not many other games to compare it too since it's a different experience with its enhanced connection ability. I guess you could compare this game to the Gauntlet series. They have a similar playing style. You view from above, hack away at enemies, and solve puzzles.

My one negative note is the cost factor required to play this game with three friends. They all have to have a GBA and a link cable! All that gear adds up, and unless your friends are loaded, it'll be hard to coerce your friends to pony up the dough to buy what's needed to enjoy the multiplayer part of the game.

With that said, it’s fun. Loads of fun, tons of extras, very replay-able, and lots of hardware is needed to play this game to its fullest. The money is well spent, though. You'll enjoy it.
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A good game for kids

This game was fun, but not very challenging. I purchased this because I have been a Zelda fan since the original Nintendo came out with it. I beat the game in about fifteen hours of play time with only dying one time (I never have liked ice levels). There weren't any real mazes in the game and the map layout was like a Mario Bros game. You can't just go wondering the overworld and get lost like previous Zelda games. Overall it was fun to play even though it wasn't challenging. The music and graphics were like "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" for the Super Nintendo.Vollständige Rezension lesen...

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