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ThriftBooks ist ein völlig unabhängiger Verkäufer gebrauchter Bücher, der seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 2003 mehr als 160 Millionen gebrauchte und neue Bücher verkauft hat. Jedes hochwertige gebrauchte Buch wird von unserem Team engagierter Mitarbeiter in unseren sieben Lagern in den USA von Hand sortiert, bewertet, in Regalen gelagert und versendet. Wir haben die beste Auswahl an Büchern, im richtigen Zustand und Format, zu täglich günstigen Preisen. Wir haben auch ein engagiertes, in den USA ansässiges Kundenservice-Team, das von Newsweek in den Top drei für den besten Kundenservice in den Jahren 2018 und 2019 eingestuft wurde, damit Sie mit Vertrauen einkaufen können. Wir unterstützen und investieren in unsere Mitarbeiter, schätzen und schätzen unsere Kunden und glauben wirklich an die Kraft des geschriebenen Wortes, Leser jeden Alters und jeder Interessen zu erziehen, zu beleben und zu binden.
Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 26. Mär 2015Verkäufer: thrift.books

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Verkäuferbewertungen (5.397.295)

  • c***m (356)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letzter Monat
    Bestätigter Kauf
    AAA+++; Excellent Service; Great Pricing; Fast Delivery-Faster Than Expected to Hawaii; from Texas to Hawaii in 5 days using free shipping; USPS Ground Mail, Book as Described; TLC Packaging; Excellent Seller Communication, Sends updates, Highly Recommended!, Thank you very much!
  • m***m (2063)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letzter Monat
    Bestätigter Kauf
    I’m thrilled with my recent purchase . The website was user-friendly, and the product descriptions were accurate. Customer service was prompt and helpful, answering all my questions. My order arrived quickly, well-packaged, and the product exceeded my expectations in quality. I’m impressed with the attention to detail and the overall experience. I’ll definitely shop here again and highly recommend from this seller to others. Thank you for a fantastic experience!
  • r***6 (17)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letzte 6 Monate
    Bestätigter Kauf
    Very satisfied! Reliable seller with fair prices. One ordered item turned out to be sold during the process, but was promptly refunded. Other ordered items arrived eralier than estimated. They were neatly packed and in the condition described. Contact with seller prior to the order wasn't possible, but communication afterwards was spotless.
  • i***n (234)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letzter Monat
    Bestätigter Kauf
    Item received as described. Item cost was somewhat higher than the recommended retail price (if sold new) of USD 14.95/CAD 19.95 indicated on the back cover of the book, particularly for a secondhand book that is currently still in print. Shipping cost was low. Shipping time was fast. Communication was good. Customer service was N/A. I have purchased other books from this seller in the past, and I plan to do so again in the future. Recommended seller!
  • u***e (3719)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letzter Monat
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    Outstanding experience! The item I received was exactly as described, with no unpleasant surprises. Shipping was incredibly quick, and the seller took care to package it securely so everything arrived intact. What stood out was the excellent service—the seller was communicative and made sure I had all the information I needed. I’m very pleased with my purchase and would happily recommend this seller to others!
  • c***m (356)- Bewertung vom Käufer.
    Letztes Jahr
    Bestätigter Kauf
    WOW!; I cannot believe this 3 Days to Hawaii! ; AAA+++; Excellent Service; Great Pricing; Fast Delivery-Faster Than Expected to Hawaii!; Faster than AMZN Prime; Shipped 04/26, Fri, Received 04/29 Mon from Texas to Hawaii using free shipping; USPS Ground Mail, Hardcover Book in Excellent Condition--Better Than Described ; TLC Packaging; Excellent Seller Communication, Sends updates . Highly Recommended!, Thank you very much!