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Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 27. Apr 2000
Rezensionen (9)
09. Nov 2006
I can't tell you how many times I almost wet myself...
I don't watch horror movies - it just isn't something I normally do. But, I got dared into it by a friend, and I rarely turn down a dare (especially over a MOVIE!). So, I picked out one to watch (this one), barricaded the front door, got a blanket to hide under, and sat down to it. I was really surprised at how quickly they jumped into gore - I figured there'd be more of a lead-in, getting to know your characters, etc. It worked though, so no problems there. I haven't seen the original, so can't compare it to that. The gore factor was high, and very well done from my vantage point. I almost wet myself multiple times, had a high heart rate for the rest and was very glad when it was over, and I could say I had watched it. I made use of the blanket, though thankfully I hadn't needed the barricade at the front door. =) I would most likely watch this again, as I now know where the suprise parts are, and could try and focus on more of the story, instead of trying to predict where the gross parts were so I could be hiding. (I did a very bad job of that, by the way.) Oh, and the couple of seconds of the baby - REALLY creeped me out!!
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15. Sep 2006
An Excellent Legal Read!
Wow. Just...wow! Normally, I'll get a book, sit down and 4 or 5 hours later think: "OK, that was good, time to move on." This book was different for several reasons: I couldn't finish it in one sitting (kept stopping to ponder what was going on), it was a fantastic read, and so very possible. When you're done with the prologue, and ready to start the main section of the book, it starts with: "This story does not have a happy ending. I am telling you that up front so there are no hard feelings later." And, it's true - it doesn't have a happy ending. It's not a bad/sad/disappointing ending; it has an ending that is incredibly life-like and fits perfectly with the way the story goes. The blurb on the back says: "Twin sisters have been brutally attacked, and their assailant is brought to trial. For Sal Milano, the Deputy District Attorney, the case is open and shut, and easy win. But suddenly, through an extraordinary misstep of justice, the case is dismissed and the man is set free. Then a shocking twish occurs, forever altering the lives of the two sisters. Now a new trial has begun, a trial as compellingly suspenseful as its outcome is unprdictable... This covers two trials, both involving the sisters, the DA and his team and several other key players. You get to see them on both sides of both cases. They are incredibly life-like: their highs and lows, the dilemmas of legal trouble, possibilities and hopes and dreams that have to dealth with. I don't want to say much more; there a good deal of legal wrangling and suspense going on, and I'd hate to ruin any of the surprises for you. This was completely and totally enjoyable to read. It's also a book that's going to remain in my private stash, instead of being re-sold.
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31. Aug 2006
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Book I)
To be quite honest, I had not heard of Harry Potter until the day it was announced in the news that Daniel Radcliffe was chosen to be him in the movie. I steadfastly swore off reading or watching anything so mainstream; if it made this much of a fuss, chances are I wouldn't like it. My husband wore me down one day, about the time that the 2rd movie came out. We were at our local video store and couldn't find anything to get, when he stumbled across the 1st movie. He bribed me with ice cream (hey, I'm a cheap date) if we could watch it. Shortly thereafter Book 5 was coming out, and a friend wanted to go to the midnight release. I figured, if I was going that far, I might as well read the books, since I'd seen a few of the movies by then. I found the book sucked you in very quickly. The characters are all well written and easy to relate to. The book has more of a 'filled out' feel than the movie, but that's to be expected. There's a nice collection of supporting characters also. I think Rowling does a very nice job of creating a magical world that sort of slides in next to the Muggle world. An excellent job was done coming up with a sort of magical 'language': Quidditch, Muggles, magical spell incantations, etc. There's a fantastic history in the book; you almost feel like you could call up a travel agent and book a weekend's vacation in Diagon Alley - I know I'd love to! The story line flows well; Harry goes through all sorts of things one might expect he would getting tossed into a new world: the learning curve, teasing from other students, new friends, new subjects to struggle and excel at. My son is just about 8 years old now. He's seen most of the movies, and I'm hoping to get him into reading this book soon. He's expressed interest in it, but he's steadily working his way through his Pokemon chapter books and also the Boxcar Children series. I think what I love most about this series is how much it can appeal to both children and adults. Growing up, I didn't have any books that I could share and talk about with my parents, so this seems to be such a wonderful gift. I like to be involved with what my kids are doing; this makes it so much easier, since I enjoyed it too! From the back of the book: Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a cloak of invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursley's, his horrible aunt and uncle and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years. But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by own messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only firneds, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him...if Harry can survive the encounter.
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