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Standort: Russische FöderationAngemeldet seit: 22. Jun 2014
Rezensionen (2)
Telephone Touchtone Corded Home Phone Push Button Single Line Desk
23. Mai 2019
Great thing to join the 20th century!
To quote the seller (totally agree with him!): «This is excellent and an excellent type. Sometimes I just prefer a very basic, straightforward telephone. Oftentimes I do indeed. The Cortelco units are probably made less expensively than the older Western Electric, quite unnessarily so, but it's such a robust and high quality design, that it doesn't matter. It's hard to go wrong with one of these. I find that avoiding cordless phones makes for a better telephone experience, and this and other older types of the Bell Telephone lineage are the best way to get therapy for the loss of the cordless crap! More specifically, the weight and feel and characteristics of this phone, are very appealing in a hard to quantify way. If feels more like a proper phone and not like a kid's toy. In actuality, things like this tend to illuistrate how run over by "features" and shortcuts we have become, and how little one actually needs almost all of it; Such as "saved numbers", "speed dial", "redial", etc. Finally it's a good thing to have to remember the numbers you dial. Phones like this will force you to remember and be more selective about you calls. In fact having a phone like this, if you have any sensibiliites comparable to mine, will have you question how you ever put up with cordless phones or possibly many other flashy types of coreded phones for so long! They just don't gell anymore with me. Finally, the tele-touch type like this still saves a lot of time with dialing, and gives less hassle for all the banking numbers, etc, that require them. Even my more old fashioned taste allows for that consideration. But I still like ordinary dials too, just not all the time.»
Sony TPS-L2 Walkman Cassette Player New Belts Working 1979
13. Aug 2019
A great gadget!
A great gadget to immerse yourself in the era of the 80s and the atmosphere of the movie Guardians of the Galaxy!
2 von 2 finden das hilfreich