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Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 18. Okt 2005
Rezensionen (314)
21. Nov 2007
Talking to Heaven
He doesn’t believe that Jesus dies on the cross for our sins. Van Praagh rejects the idea that Jesus is the unique, virgin-born Son of God, the second person of the Trinity. He believes in reincarnation, which the Bible does not teach. What does he believe? That we are all God. Sorry, I just don't buy it. He is either deceived by a evil spirit or is a con artist. The true sign of a prophet is that all their predictions come true 100% of the time, his do not. The Bible says “Give no regard to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”(Leviticus 19:31). For more information see this website http://skepdic.com/medium.html I do not recommend any of his books.
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05. Nov 2007
Blessings form the Other Side
Sylvia Browne has come up with fantasy and managed to pawn it off on alot of uninformed people as truth. She quotes the Bible, but totally twists the meaning of what the Bible says. She does not believe that Jesus died on the cross so that we can have eternal life. She is a pyschic and the Bible clearly states to stay away from pyschics and mediums. Her so called spirit guide is actually a demon. She mixes a little truth with alot of falsehood and outright lies. She believes in re-incarnation, which the Bible does not teach. A book that exposes the New Age, that I recommend is by Johanna Michaelsen. Her book "The beautiful Side of Evil and "Like Lambs to the Slaughter", expose alot of these lies. I pray for Slvia Browne, because I know God loves her and everyone, but He doesn't want any of us to be deceived and that is what she is doing. I give this book a poor rating. It's not worth the paper that it is written on.
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13. Dez 2007
deceived by the light
This book by Betty has a lot of new age ideas in it and alot of stuff is opposite of what the Bible says. The Bible says that in the last days many will be deceived. Not only will unbelievers be deceived but also those who have trusted Jesus for their salvation may be equally deceived. The Scripture says, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect." The problem that many have in our day is that they seek "signs" and "wonders" rather than Jesus. Experience has become their teacher rather than the Word. My response is simply, Jesus--the only begotten Son of God. There is salvation in no other. My hope is not in our experiences, but in a person. She is a Mormom. If you take a closer look at her new-found belief system one is able to not only see Mormon ideas but beliefs that are found in the occult. A lot of people don't know it, but she wrote the book first for the Mormon faith and then took some things out that would have freaked people out and had it published for the general public. Betty says "within our universe are both positive and negative energies, and both types of energies are essential to creation and growth. These energies have intelligence--they do our will. They are willing servants." The Christian desires to obey the will of God, not to force God to do his bidding. This is the essential difference between occult practice, magic, and Christianity. Betty Eadie never mentions the crucifixion or the atonement for sin. In her worldview they simply are not needed. There is no mention of evil or victory over sin. I don't care how good someone's intentions are if they are telling me lies. I think she is sincere, but greatly deceived as most of the new age teachers are. Eadie refuses to release her medical records or provide any corroborating evidence that she had actually died. She simply expects us to take her word for it. I find that strange. Her ideas on spirituality are a strange mixture of Mormon and New Age themes. I don't know how much money she makes, but Sylvia Browne rakes in millions each year. Don't just take my word for it, check it out yourself.
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