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Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 13. Mär 2006
Rezensionen (17)
05. Aug 2007
You Betta Bring yo game balla!
First off without a doubt NBA Ballers is the best 1 on 1 basketball game on the xbox system. I enjoyed this game the whole time I played it. Of course I beat this game just like every other game I play, I strive to beat it. There is T.V tournament mode and Rags to Riches mode. The T.V tournament mode there is really no storyline. All you do is take other players on 1 on 1 and when you beat a bracket then you get credits to buy new moves or new attire for you Baller. On Rags to Riches mode you create your own Baller and go through multiple tournaments to reach your goal of defeating NBA pros and earning street credit for yourself. You can unlock moves with the credits you'll earn in Rags to riches mode as well on T.V tournament mode. There is Play Now mode as well which is just a quick game of 1 on 1 basketball. The Graphics are O.K. I give them a 7. NBA Ballers is an arcade basketball game and you'll get what you'd except from an arcade basketball game. No complaints really. Gameplay- 7 The game play is O.K. The game play is a little fast but NBA Ballers is just a nice fun smooth arcade basketball game. Controls- 7 The controls are pretty easy to get used to. You shouldn't really have any trouble adjusting after a while. If you play NBA Live or NBA 2K the series they you'll have to get used to the different controls but overall the controls are easy to get used to. I've played this game for many hours before I sold it. Now I didn’t sell it because I didn’t like it, I sold it because I knew I could get my money back for the game I just beat. It'll take you a week or two to beat the game unless you sit there all day and play. I suggest that you really should go and play this game if you love 1 on 1 basketball games. Though the newest NBA Ballers game is out and I have not played that game yet but if I were you then I would check out that game before this one. This is a great game but if the first ones good then the second one has to be better. I suggest you rent this at first you maybe shouldn’t buy it if you don’t have a lot of money. I picked this game up off ebay for $5. Then I sold it for $5. So I made my money back and had a good time. Now go out and play this game.
05. Aug 2007
A great arcade style basketball game
Heres my reveiw, I hope it helps you with what your looking for. Game play-9 The game play is great! I have not played any other Street games in the series for Gamecube but I am a fan of the series. I have played Street Volume 1 for PS2 and I loved it. So when I friend brought his Gamecube over we played. I whooped him first time I played. I only played a gamecube once or twice before that and had no idea how to play. But the game was too easy to NOT mess up it was funny. I could spend hours playing this game. Though I say that the truth is that I could spend hours playing this game but probley all not a single given time. I love this game, though I don’t know about you but I can't play a sports basketball game that long. I see myself playing Madden for hours and hours and hours but the fact is that after about an hour I have to shut the system off while playing NBA Street Vol. 2 because basically I get bored. Controls- 9 I don’t know if you've read any of my other reviews but I VERY RARELY give a game a 10, even in a single category. If there is anything wrong in a game then I have to point it out. And usually that makes me give it a 9.5 or less. I like to stick to basic scoring though as much as I can so this game gets a 9. Like I said above when my friend brought this game over with his Gamecube then I thought I'd give it a go. WOW! This game is great. I was throwing tricks down left and right. You couldn't stop me. I beat him and I haven’t even played this game before! So that proves how easy it is to pick up a controller and play this game. Also it takes a little common sense from anybody who has played a sports game on any system before. I mean if you think that you move with the big red button in the middle or something like that then don’t even think about playing a game ever again. Let me use the PS2 controller for a better example sense I'm more familiar with that gaming system. If you think you would move your player with the right analog stick and shoot with the directional pad and juke with the left analog stick then you've got another thing coming buddy. Though seriously you should have no problem picking up a controller and playing this game. Graphics- 8 The graphics are great for Vol. 2. NO complaints. I write a lot of late review like I've written review for MLB 2K5 after MLB 2K6 has come out, and for this game I'm writing this review after NBA Street Volume 3 has come out. I heard that game was great and that EA Sports put A LOT of detail into the graphics. I have not played any other street games at all besides this game and NBA Street Vol. 1 for PS2. So I wouldn't know if the graphics in Vol. 3 are good. Though I've heard that there great, and even though you cant believe everything you hear I believe it. I suggest that you check out Vol. 3 before Vol. 2 if you have the chance. But if you have a chance to play/buy this game cheap then do it! Overall- 8.25 A VERY CLOSE 9! I couldn't give this game a 9; as a matter of fact I couldn't even give this game an 8.5. Just because I haven’t played any other NBA Street games for the Gamecube system. If I had I could give you a better look on the game compared to previous years. Though sense I haven’t, I don’t want to over judge the game. Though what I basically tell you by an 8.25, as an overall is that you should really get out and buy this game! I could say rent yea, but this game is pretty cheap used and you should buy it.
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05. Aug 2007
A nice first person shooter
I like this game. I could say love but that would be extremely overrating it. The game itself sounded cool when I bought it. My birthday is in November so when this game came out I was like damn this game sounds awesome! I played the first Call of Duty and beat it. I thought that the first one was pretty good and was a pretty good game. I don’t play online or anything because I have dial up on my computer but I still like to enjoy the regular gameplay. So I took a trip down to my local Walmart and had a decision to make. Whether to get the regular Call of Duty 2: Big Red One or to get Call of Duty 2: Big Red Once Collectors Edition. So after about 2 min. of consideration I decided to buy the collector’s edition for $10 more. I thought it would come with more levels or something but to my surprise it came with nothing really extra. Just a few more movies and like I wanted to pay $10 extra for a few little movie clips. Anyway I played the game and played and played and after about a month I beat the game. The game wasn't that hard I only got stuck in one spot. The challenge was most of the time getting killed and starting over if I wasn't at a checkpoint. So let me tell you a little more about the game Game play- 9... Though the game needs to be longer which makes the overall go down, so I'll give it a 7 The game play is great. It's smooth and makes the game fun. Obviously you’re killing Nazis and trying to win the war. The main problem with this game though is the shortness of the game. The game is like 12-15 levels long. I forgot the exact amount but it doesn't really matter. The game needs to be longer PERIOD. No one wants to play a short game. Once I finished the game it kept me wanting more. So I had to give the game play a 7 because of the shortness of the game. Controls- 9 The same as the first COD. (Call of Duty, for all of you who haven’t gotten the hint already) The controls are very easy to use and you'll have absolutely no problem using them. There pretty basic and I don’t know how you could mess up after you've played at least one level of the game, and if you've played COD: Finest Hour then your already a pro at the controls. Graphics- 8 What can I say? They’re just not as good as the Xbox 360's. I don’t want to say that COD: Big Red 2 is better on the 360 because I haven’t played it on there but the graphics sure are. The PS2 version does a good job trying to compete though and I was very satisfied with them. They were great in my book. Overall- 8 The main problem I have with this game is how short it is. Like I said above it leaves you wanting more. I was ready to whoop some Nazi but and then the game was over. I was like "What? The game cant be over already!" Though it was and I was surprised. This game would get an easy 9 if the game were to be a few levels longer. It's a fun game don’t get me wrong but it'll keep you wanting more. I really suggest you play this game though. I would not buy it in my opinion. It's not really worth buying. Theres no multiplayer to play with your friends, though you could go online and play. But I'm pretty sure not a whole lot of people are online sense this game came out a while ago. Though I could be wrong. So my suggestion to you is to really play this game and get the feel of it and then decide if you want to buy it or not.
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