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Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 02. Apr 2008
Rezensionen (1)
08. Sep 2012
Fun whacky cardio game, which features Danny Trejo as your gym coach.
Although the graphics look kind of outdated, the game is actually fun. Out of all the PS3 move games, this has got to be one of the best. Its basically a cardio work out game, and not a story based game which is probably why it gets negative criticism. It utilizes dual Move motion controllers and the player controls the in-game avatar like a puppet. The motion tracking is very accurate (depending on lighting and background)and the ps3 camera analyzes your body movements. The tracking is very articulate, and the game can analyze your fists rotations and punching velocities. I can accurately make my fighter dance the macarena or YMCA if I wanted. I actually danced the macarena in a online fight. The game progresses through a bunch of street fights where the player earns money and fame. The only way to rank up is by spending the winning fight money in a gym to train. The more a player trains, the more skill points they unlock and add fighting attributes to their avatar/in-game character. This game has some unique features. One of those features is sports betting. You can gamble your money through different odds and even place bets on real time online fights in online multiplayer lobbies. The winning money is used to heal the player's avatar, train, and buy clothing and tattoos, etc. The player's avatar/character starts the game barefoot wearing only a pair of sweat pants. The rest has to be bought and earned. The movements unlocked are dirty fight techniques like elbows, headbutts, grabs and things like that. The more attributes are ranked, the better your player's tracking becomes. It basically ends up being as accurate and fast as the real life player's movements. There's some dark comedy in the game as well. The gym trainer is actually played by Danny Trejo, the dude from the Machete movie, and he's always cracking jokes and insults. The CGI characters also have some funny gestures and personalities. Its definitely an entertaining game to play when friends come over. This game has a lot going on, its very fun. This game will make a person start sweating. It has a calorie counter and some workout DLC's from the PSN store. The game's cover doesnt do it justice, its definitely more of a fun extravagant game. This game is very inexpensive so its definitely worth buying.