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Standort: USAAngemeldet seit: 23. Jun 2007
Rezensionen (7)
25. Jun 2009
No Excuses! by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
I am always impressed with Dr. Wayne Dyers enthusiasm, honesty, optimism and motivational abilities having viewed his lectures through PBS programs. His authentic "voice" comes across in this children's book and I believe even adults can benefit from reading this as well. I have not seen any of his previous children's books. Whether young or old-we ALL have excuses that we lean on. Through this book we realize that excuses can hinder what we want to/need to/should accomplish in our lives. The short "cute quiz" at the end of this book gives a chance for the reader(s) to exercise their interpretation of excuses and put their new found thinking pattern into action by deciding what IS and what is NOT an excuse-and maybe choose to even rethink the statement, sort of turn around the excuse into a best approach idea! The story was simple yet interesting and believable, seemingly written from an intelligent child's perspective, so an adult can actually enjoy reading this. A person trying to choose a career path. I would have liked to have seen this book written from a girl's point of view also though-not just a boy. Like siblings discussing what they wanted to be when they grow up and how each has different types of excuses to overcome and abolish! And as an artist myself I found the illustrations only Fair and sort of weak I am sad to say. I would have loved to see more consistency in the artwork. It appeared half paintings/half cartoonish?? The two page spread where the boy is on a Maui beach was my favorite but it sort of stands alone in comparison to the previous pages of coloring book type drawings. Overall I do recommend anybody and everybody "own" a copy of this book. The cover alone can motivate you-prop it up where you can see it-bold red letters "NO EXCUSES"!!!! Get a copy!
2 von 2 finden das hilfreich
04. Jul 2009
Yuletide Harp Cedar Lake Nature Series DVD
The reason we wanted this DVD was for the Harp instrumental and the snow scenes. The music was very calming, very soothing when it was the Harp. But some strange "synthesized" accompaniment was VERY distracting to the gentle flow of the music as it seemed randomly interjected and did NOT compliment the arrangements. Had they left that out the Harp alone would have been truly beautiful enough! The scenery was also a bit disappointing. It appeared repetitive and uninteresting. Beauty but no depth. The digital manipulations with the animals at times did not enhance but detracted from the realistic views. We wanted to see cozy "snowing" scenes. Snow FALLING!!! Not just standing snow banks time and again. At least the water scenes had movement and gurgling sounds well done. Price was OK. Everything was just OK. But it is something to view to relieve stress. It will cause calmness and reduce anxiety and that is a good thing-but....could have and should have been better!!!
30. Okt 2009
Another GREAT Find-EVERY Home should OWN this CD!
This is another classy and elegantly put together CD from Disney! The instrumentals are relaxing for Baby and Adults and it compliments the "Lullaby CD" of instrumentals which we rated Five Stars. This CD is Four Stars because though it is really very good-the pace is a little quicker on the songs than the other CD and the melodies of the first are a better mix. On this CD are "THE" Disney melodies of the cherished movies and so are very good. I would love to see their music quality improve and editing would help eliminate some of the odd "parts" that Disney throws in. Overall is pretty darn good despite the slight quirks!! Having BOTH CDs will make your household a very happy and calm place! We play them constantly and they are Favorites now. They will RELAX Mom & Dad and of course any little ones!Highest recommendations for the instrumentals of Disney keeping us all "warm and fuzzy" feeling!!! Get copies for your home and give as gifts for biggest, happiest Thank YOUs!!!!