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I enjoy playing my snes mini. Also, my nephew who is Autistic loves it as well. The games on the snes mini bring back memories of the 90's (when I was a kid I used to play the snes for days on end) I decided to buy a pre-owned one rather than a brand new one. It's working perfectly fine and I paid half the money so it's good value for money. Just be aware the control pads on the snes mini are very short so you might want to buy an extra long HDMI cable (the seller kindly put one in with my one)
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Gebraucht
Just like back int day. Brings back great memories from me and my mates played these games in the 90s
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Gebraucht
Been after a mini Super Nintendo since it came out plays the games great but I would recommend using CRT FILTER as pixel perfect and 43 modes look a bit blocky menu is easy to use just press reset button to save and press y.good selection of games colours look better to me as well.would recommend to anyone who likes Nintendo.also looks just like the old Super Nintendo and controller looks the tip open the controller port from the bottom off the panel where there is a gap finger size and push off the panel off from there.anyway loving playing my Super Nintendo mini do recommend
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Neu
Great product. USB powered - I've connected to my Virgin Tivo USB port for power and works fine as long as the Tivo box is powered on. As TVs have become larger and people perhaps sit further away, you may need to get the control pad extenders. Available in up to 3metres on eBay.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Gebraucht
Just as i remember it. I regretted getting rid of my old snes, missed the old games, especially Zelda and Yoshi's island. Arrived in good time and well packed, easy to set up, great value for money.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Gebraucht
The single best mini console to take you back to simpler gaming times. Graphics are pretty well handled, hdmi connection is the perfect update to this machine making it practical to use. Games onboard are great and the fact that you can run a very simple hack to load 90% of the SNES gaming catalogue on it without too much hassle - even for a noob - makes it a no brained. Controllers are excellent quality too, no corners cut, an excellent little machine.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Gebraucht
Its very difficult to get hold of these in never used, in an unopened box and mint condition like the one I bought. I had to pay over the odds for it, but now they aren't being made any more I was happy to pay what I did for it. Its the best of all the mini consoles in my view even though its only got 21 games. All of the titles are classics so they are quality. I have a Sega Mega Drive Mini with double the amount of titles and this is still better than that hands down. Half of the games on that I don't like and the other half are okay. So glad I managed to get one of these.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Neu
A lot of the classic games built in, it comes as it is you can't add games but is ideal as it's small and easy to pack if you want to take on holiday etc, graphics are just as they were at the time forget today's gaming consoles it's just as original. Definitely worth buying if you can find stock anyehere, think that says it all...
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Neu
Superb graphics, nicely enhanced by the HDMI and software. Playable as ever, easy to pick up and put down (due to save feature). Two controllers and some absolute classic games. Plus star fox 2! Apparently can be hacked to add all the old SNES games. Must have for any gamer.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Neu
I just love it. Very well made and well packaged, it's well worth the money, reminds me of my childhood. But I have to battle with my kids to play it, as they love it just as much as I did at there age, looks perfect on my 50" TV too witch surprised me. Very good buy for anyone who is into gaming or anyone who wants a blast from the past.
Bestätigter Kauf: Ja | Artikelzustand: Neu
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