Lucas SG_B00GYVRW7S_US 15g Papaw Ointment Lip Balm

AU $6,62
(inkl. MwSt.)
Ca.EUR 3,98
+ $19,16 Versand
Lieferung ca. Mi, 19. Feb - Mi, 19. Mär
30 Tage Rückgabe. Käufer zahlt Rückversand.
Our popular range of Papaw Cream. Papaw 200g. Papaw 25g x 6. Papaw 25g x 3. Abscesses, Boils, Bruises, Burns, Carbuncles, Chafings, Cuts, Cysts, Dry and Cracked skin on hands and feet, Gravel rash, Heat rash, Insect stings, Mosquito bites, Open wounds, Pimples, Scalds Sunburn, Swelling associated with injury, Splinters and thorns, Tinea, Whitlow.